just visiting the a.v. booth at lucid. Dan is on the phone to Keith and i'm wasting time till marko arrives from londinium. Today is booth our xmas night out for work and a kick ass party at Ash's place in Salford. What a dilemma 2 parties and no omnipresence device. Will probably try and hit both events during the evening with M.O. in toe.
So America was kick ass. I had a great time over there, wedding was fun and Chicago is.. well lets just say I had a ball. Stocks are up, mini golf scores are down and the music is *excellent
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these 'what are you' things seem to be really popular on live journal... and I can see why. I'm not actively seeking them out but Slev seems to come out with some good ones.
So i've been neglecting the new live journal recently... just as I seem to do with most online journals i've ever had. I thought maybe i'd be able to post all my old messages from the last journal to this new one but I can't figure out how to back date them so i'm not going to bother. Who cares anyway
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