Dec 17, 2007 14:36
Everything I touch seems to wither away, I never asked for this, I never wanted this. I feel like I'm losing my will to live. I feel like I slowly losing my raison d'erta
Nov 09, 2007 19:16
Just maybe, I'm not meant to be happy. because every time I think I've found something that makes me happy, I seem to do something stupid that fuckis it all up. it's always my fault, never anyone else. being this self-destructive can't be good for me.
Oct 16, 2007 22:12
As I glanced out the small window,
I witnessed what seemed to be,
an endless sea of lights,
flickering through the cold night's mist.
Though beautiful as it may have been,
the only words that came to me were,
"God I hate this town",
"This hell I call home",
and the only thing I wanted,
was to once again,
be at her side.
Jul 17, 2007 21:06
it seems to be this way every time. I always end up looking at myself in this fucking mirror, and I hate myself. I always hate myself. This is fucking stupid.
I'll keep trying, and trying. I can only hope that this dream comes true, hope that maybe this time, I can find happiness.
Feb 11, 2007 20:26
Fact: You will probably never change anything in the world
Read more... )
Jan 01, 2007 01:21
I screamed just that at midnight, through my mic. Hooray for being a metal vocalist
Dec 24, 2006 20:02
I need to speak with my wonderful daaughter, Nini. so if she would please contact me, it would be much appreciated.