So...I'm kind of really, really obsessed with Merlin at the moment. I've been trying to refrain from obnoxious squee because I know many of you don't care, but I can hold back no longer. Especially when I've seen a few more of you get hooked on the show recently. (YAY!)
Therefore, I must picspam. And post recs (fic & vids). Probably nothing you haven't seen before if you're familiar with the fandom, but oh well. Come flail with me anyway? And if you don't watch Merlin (why don't you?), you should totally look through this post anyway, because I'm sure you will appreciate the pretty people. Pleeeease, I want to share the joy with more of you.
It's mostly cast pictures and screenshots from other shows Bradley and Colin have appeared on, but also some Merlin promo pics (nothing very spoilery). This is not at all dial up friendly.
Let's start off with some promo pics, on the off chance anyone unfamiliar to the show clicked the cut.
Don't you love it when everyone is touched up to the point of looking kind of fake?
For anyone who doesn't know, this is Merlin, played by Colin Morgan. I enjoy his face, and also his ears.
This is Prince Arthur (Bradley James). He is an obnoxious prat, but in an endearing way.
Gwenevere (Angel Coulby) is sweet, and babbly, and I love her a lot.
And, Morgana (Katie McGrath). Honestly, it took a while for her to grow on me, but I've found her much more interesting on repeat viewings. Also, gorgeous.
Gwen is Morgana's servant, because who needs canon?
And Merlin is Arthur's, because it makes for good subtext. ;)
Look at Merlin running!
Look at Arthur and the very phallic tree!
Arthur is very, very pretty.
Also, he and Merlin are in love. I'm sure you've heard about their ~~entwined destinies~~.
Like, really in love.
No, really. ♥
The cast is pretty damn adorable.
From their
hilarious Children In Need sketch.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
As you may have guessed, much of this picspam will be focused on Bradley and Colin. Er, sorry?
I'm rather fond of them.
Especially when they smile at each other. :D
Ahahaha. (From
their interview on Something For The Weekend)
Notice Colin's gaze, there.
Aww, matching body posture.
the second part of that interview, where they make Bradley cook deep fried ice cream.
And he is kind of faily.
And not so great with the cooking.
But really fucking pretty.
Katie and Angel are also extremely pretty.
Sadly, I do not know what interview(?) these are from.
Also sad? I had a really hard time finding pictures of Angel Coulby. :(
Her smile is so lovely. :)
Thankfully, there are some gorgeous photoshoots of Katie McGrath.
In fact, I'm just going to shut up so you can enjoy the pretty.
This one is my favorite. NGH times a million.
Moving on, to Colin Morgan. And his slightly awkward headshot.
And some slightly awkward candid shots!
Colin with a beard!
Colin in a hammock!
Colin shirtless!
A lot of the pictures I have of Colin are from plays.
I believe this blue-shirt set is from a play version of 'Vernon God Little'.
He looks rather angry in most of them.
*laughs a lot* From 'The Caucasian Chalk Circle', apparently.
Yeah, I have no idea.
From 'Jack & The Beanstalk'. ;)
The freckles! :D :D :D
Okay, so there was this one time when Colin guested on The Catherine Tate Show.
He held a chocolate penis!
And was in bed with another guy!
It was pretty epic - I may have died of flail.
And of course, there was the time when he guested on Doctor Who.
He played Jethro, the emo teenager.
I cannot even handle his smile. SO MUCH GLEE.
Mmmmm, neck.
Oh, hello there Bradley James. He looks good in black and white.
He also looks good while
appearing on a lottery show.
Hee! *pats*
Once upon a time, he guested on a show called Lewis.
He played a boxer (...obviously) named Jack.
A boxer who sometimes dressed up to attend fancy functions.
He gets accused of a crime, for...some reason. (I may have just fast forwarded to the Bradley scenes. Shut up, it was an unfamiliar hour and a half detective show!)
I did enjoy the jacket/sweatshirt combo on him, though.
Poor Jack gets pushed off his bike.
Seriously, how so pretty???
Now, this is from Dis/Connected, a pilot which did not get picked up. I did not fast forward though any of this because it is terrible and ridiculous and made me laugh a lot.
Oh yes, and Bradley's character hits on every woman he interacts with and has sex in a bathroom stall.
*CANNOT STOP LAUGHING* Really, not a sexy face.
Still not sexy.
He looks mildly terrified here.
Okay, I'll admit the shirtless/tie combo is pretty hot.
Hahah, panties.
Pictures from the cast party. Woo!
His hair looks weirdly dark here.
In this one, too.
Alright, I've saved the best for last.
I have no idea what these are from, but I am so glad they exist.
I got most of my pictures from these sites:
Colin |
Bradley |
Angel |
Katie Now for some recs! In alphabetical order because I'm anal like that.
* = highly recommended
Merlin Fic (all Merlin/Arthur unless otherwise noted)
A Little Fire To Warm by
janne_d (PG-13 / ~4,000)
Hypothermia fic! \o/
A Strongly Worded Letter to Geoffrey of Monmouth by
ethrosdemon (R / ~4,000)
Really gorgeously written future fic. Takes place after Uther dies and Arthur is king.
And None But We Can Be Such Kings by
janne_d (R / ~8,700)
I love this story. There are a series of feasts that make Arthur tired and Merlin is worried about him. Really nice build up to their relationship.
And There Is Pansies, That's For Thoughts by
ignipes (Gen-ish / PG / 1470)
Cute story, in which there is implied Gwen/Lancelot/Merlin and Morgana and Arthur pine for their servants.
Bugger Alle This by Signe (PG-13 / ~11,800)
Bodyswap fic!
Fire Signs by
moonythestrals (R / 3,375)
In which Merlin has dreams about Arthur.
Firsts by
elandrialore (G / 930)
Various firsts between Merlin and Arthur. Sweet.
moonythestrals (R / ~11,500)
Absolutely hilarious AU in which Arthur is a frat boy, Merlin is a science geek, and they have to write a screenplay together. (Sequel/coda thing is linked at the end).
Meteorology by
fahye (Gen / PG-13 / 4,596)
Nice Arthur character study from Merlin's POV.
Next Time I Will Remember This And I Will Say 'No' by
paperclipbitch (PG-13, ~20,000)
Merlin has to pretend to be Arthur. Good times.
Passing the Test by
janne_d (Pre-slashy gen / G / ~1,500)
Lovely coda to "The Labyrinth of Gedref".
Past Imperfect by
thehoyden (NC-17 / ~2,300)
Something is wrong and both boys are confused. Very sweet and funny.
Quickening Days by
fahye (R / 22,174)
Groundhog Day AU, with humor, some angst, and Merlin in a dress!
That Shall Achieve The Sword by
astolat (Gen / PG-13 / ~5,700)
In which Merlin has to reveal his magic to everyone, and there is angst.
There Are No Legible Signs by
franticsga (Pre-slashy gen / G / ~2,300)
Coda to "The Moment of Truth", with backrubs!
Treason to Us by
janne_d (PG-13 / 4696)
An Arthur finds out story, where they had already been in an established relationship. Angsty and wonderful.
Virescit Vulnere Virtus by
castalie (PG-13 / ~9,800)
Takes place ten years into the future. Really nice characterization. (There's some use of labels like "the sorcerer" or "his lover" instead of just using Merlin's name, which personally I don't love, but otherwise I enjoyed it a lot).
Woke Up New by
ficbyzee (NC-17 / 22,083)
Bodyswap, in which the boys are very annoyed to be in each other's bodies. Also, some slight kink, which is totally believable and really hot.
The World Under Heaven, Here All Is Lent by
takadainmate (PG-13 / ~20,000)
Beautifully written hurt/comfort fic, with lots of great details. Non porny, but very awesome.
Colin/Bradley RPS
Accented by
antihysteric (R / 3,300)
Bradley realizes he likes Colin, which makes things awkward.
Know Thyself. Or Not. by
kat_fanfic (PG / 3,898)
Bradley realizes he's in love with Merlin, despite him being a fictional character.
We Will Become Sillhouetes by
moogle62 (PG / ~2,600)
There's a blur between the actors and their characters. Really lovely.
10,000 Nights by
mamoru22 (Merlin/Arthur)
Beverly Hills by
giandujakiss (Hilarious ensemble vid)
The Bitch Prince by
wistful_fever (Merlin/Arthur, hilarious!)
The Dance by
mamoru22 (Merlin/Arthur - CUTEST VID EVER)
Every Fear You've Ever Faced by
the_orange_nin (Merlin/Arthur)
If I Was Your Girl by
danegen (Merlin/Arthur)
It's Not Over Yet by
charmax (Nimueh, Morgana)
Make *U* Smile by
wistful_fever (RPS - Bradley/Colin)
Red by
obsessive24 (Arthur character study, Merlin/Arthur)
have an mp3 of the opening theme. Just because.
THE END. I really need to stop posting things in the middle of the night. On a Saturday/Sunday, no less.
*goes to bed*