With the whole "sweeping mandate" thing that seems to be coming along with Barack Obama's victory, I thought that it was worth a look at what the "conservative" set had to say about things. Seems they're being more quiet than typical, but the folks at Redstate don't stop writing
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I can't believe that the K-Hawks are pinning their season hopes on unretiring Gary Gait. It's kind of tough to recover week after week when you're over 40 and playing a contact sport.
The rapper once dubbed "America’s Most Loveable Pimp" by Rolling Stone makes his debut in India this summer, with a guest appearance on the title track
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Levitt@Freakonomics tells a story about how he once proved what I knew intuitively: that wines, in general, don't actually taste that different from one another. He also provides a link to an academic working paper that proves out his experiment with a much larger dataset.
The money quote: What lesson should we take from this? No matter what, do
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The U.S. House of Representatives just passed a bill that should hold back the Alternative Minimum tax for next year, assuming that it passes the Senate largely intact and gets signed
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