Yes. That would be three languages there. Three languages that I speak. And I still can't get my mind wrapped around hiragana so that I can write it without having to see the character first.
Gimme German grammar structures or new Chinese characters any day....
I want a degree in psychology one day I have Alan Tudyk's autograph, even though I've never met him I view myself as too old to sleep with stuffed animals
So, I went to a wedding for a friend (both of them, actually) this weekend. It was a lot of fun, though my feet are still hating my dancing until 1 in the morning on high heeled shoes. But worth it dammit
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Of course they do. Elephants grieve like humans do when one of their number are killed. Koko the gorilla signed for days on end, saying that she wanted her cat, All Ball back after it has died. And that she missed him.
So, yes. Animals do feel regret. And happiness, sadness and the entire gamut of emotions.
Figured it was time to share another poem. This was written about this time last year. To be honest, I wasn't going for symbolic here. I was just rather pissed with a migraine that I'd been fighting all day and wanted to finally be rid of. But you can find your own beliefs in it if you want.