Winners: Facial Close-Up

May 17, 2006 14:09

Thanks to all those who submitted these lovely icons and/or took the time to cast your vote. A wonderful job by everyone but a special congratulations to this week's winners:

Best Overall: First Place

/ exarcae {Chii from Chobits}

Best Overall: Second Place

/ pandaplu {Oruha from Clover}

/ amritama {Syaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura}

Best Overall: Third Place

/ snm_queen {Ashura-Ou from RG Veda}

Special Category: Best Colour

/ m1ch1ru {Yuuko from xxxHolic}


Best Overall: Runner-Ups ( view the icons)

03, 22
08, 16, 19
05, 11
14, 17
02, 13, 15, 23
01, 06, 07

Special Category: Runner-Ups ( view the icons)

18, 21
04, 10, 16, 20, 23

silma is the bannermaker this week and will have them up as soon as she am able to. Remember, the banner rotation schedule is there for your convenience. If you're looking for past banner posts, they're all archived in the memories. Please be sure to leave a comment when you have claimed yours.

This week's challenge has already been posted, the theme is Artist's Choice. More information is available at the original post. Remember your icon is due by Saturday, May 20th at 8:00 am EST in the morning.

Just one final note, I have decided as of this week to cease running a special category and instead will return to the traditional selection of a moderator's choice. This probably seems out of the blue, but in actuality I have spent a long time thinking this over and considering alternative options. This is in no way a reflection on the recent winners, I have simply been putting off making a final decision until now because I hate dictating change.

I don't really want to bore anyone with a lengthy explanation, but what it basically comes down to is while SC has been an interesting way to recongize other icons and I don't regret giving it a try, it also has alot of issues/problems surrounding it which impact the voting/results and I'm getting a bit frusterated with dealing with it all. That and as difficult as it is to choose from the lovely entries we receive, I really do miss MC because it allowed me to participate in a different capacity. Lately I've felt as if I was just going through the motions. I suppose after so many weeks, it's time for a change?

I apologize if anyone is offended I did not open this up to discussion first, in the past I've always made an effort to do so in such cases but trying to reach a consensus across two icontests, especially given the situation, did not seem efficient. I understand some of you may prefer SC and will miss it, I also realize some people may not think fondly of MC. However, while you're entitled to your opinion on the matter if you're only here to complain, criticize me or demand further reasonings then please don't bother expressing it. I hope people can understand where I'm coming from and that no one is so upset over this that they will consider leaving the community.


Affiliate Plug: clamp_improv - an icontest dedicated to all CLAMP series. The catch is that you cannot use any downloaded resources in your icon, instead you must either rely on the default ones provided by your graphic program or make them yourself from scratch
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