Name: Megan Daugherty Age: 19 Birthday: August 11th 1986 Hometown: Tacoma, Washington College: Green Mountain College, ( Poultney, Vermont) Intending Major : Special Education/ Music Email:-- Screen name: (AIM) kommododragon253
:) yay, feel free to add me or IM me or whatever... 'tis all good :)
Miss Newbie here. I'll fill out my survey like a good little sophomore.
Name: Jennifer R. Age: 19 Birthday: 5/31/1986 Hometown: Greenwich, CT College: Green Mountain College (Poultney, VT) Intending Major: English Email: Available upon request Screen name: Available upon request
bits and pieces of the user info have been changed. nothing incredibly important, or even noticable.... i hope everyone is enjoy the last days of their summer. i know i can't wait to get back to umass and be with my friends that i made last year again.