WARNING: SUICIDE FOLLOWER AHEAD!beebeeprincessSeptember 12 2004, 22:57:51 UTC
See you can't drive off a bridge.. cause that means I'll have to go with you and I know you wouldn't want me to die and I would never want you to die. So we both would have to live.. Plus I have a better Idea.. How about we put the dumb people that piss us off into the car and then take out the brake and let them fall off a cliff to their death. THEN we could laugh evilishly *is that even a word?* like mwhahaha.. nsduff.. and be happy and go to Disney Land.. cause I think Disney World is Toreee UP! Anyways I Love you and MISSSSSS YOOOUUU THIS MUCH! | | + forever. BTW Aaron misses his jen jen too.. you are always gonna be his babeh! hehe Love, Liska
Re: WARNING: SUICIDE FOLLOWER AHEAD!clickxkissxbangSeptember 13 2004, 11:51:56 UTC
i love you so much and aaron too he will always by muh babeh... I think we should mos def make everyone that makes me mad drive off a bridge into the watery death!
Re: WARNING: SUICIDE FOLLOWER AHEAD!beebeeprincessSeptember 13 2004, 12:54:20 UTC
you know the THIS MUCH thing.. well the lines were far apart.. but damn LJ made it so it looked like a little and thats just not the case! Cause I love you lots n' lots.. and you need to be happy.. BTW tell your mom that I said just b/c she doesnt like your uncle doesn't mean she has to pass it on to you. Thats between her and him.. not you. You have every right to go and see your uncle's special day. Tell her to grow up and be a mom! btw I'll talk to you more on AIM cause yeah I have more to say on that subject.
Comments 18
so silently, people care about you.
i love you so much and aaron too
he will always by muh babeh...
I think we should mos def make everyone that makes me mad drive off a bridge into the watery death!
i love you waaaaay more than that too
yeah but you know my mom she's a dumb grudge holding biatch
feel better, my love.
i am here if you EVER need to talk.
I think maybe I need to pick you and erika up from school on friday.
I don't have to work and I don't have any classes
IM me sometime and we'll work it out
my aim: shewasxelusive.
hollar at ya sista..
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