Title: Worse Than Being Blind
clockstopperGenre: Romantic Comedy.
Pairing(s): Jensen/Misha with some background Jared/ Genevieve
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 22,162
Warnings: Mentions of Supernatural season five and some spoilers for Stonehenge Apocalypse that couldn’t be avoided, though neither is really the focus of the story.
love_jackiantoArt link:
Art Masterpost Summary: To cope with the directing on the set of Stonehenge Apocalypse, Misha and his new best friend Hill, spend their nights drinking and trying to forget the fact that they're on a ridiculous scifi B-Movie. It helps when the director yells that they should all have more intensity in the morning. And then, one night, Torri invites herself to their nightly drinking and Misha does not know that this has bad life plan written all over it because Torri can drink everyone under the table. Now Misha has to deal with an earnest and freaked out Jensen who flies to the set because he wants to talk about "the message" (complete with air quotes) that Misha left on his cell phone. Add a new cast that has made it their mission to make Misha as embarrassed as possible and Jared, who never met an innuendo that he didn't like, and Misha wonders how his life ever got here. Oh, and they do still have a movie to film.
Author's Note: Oh dear, this story has been a long time coming. I never would have had the courage to post it if it hadn't been for the Dean/Castiel Big Bang. I'm still not quite sure how I have the guts to post it. I've thanked a million people a million times for helping me with this from the people I held at gun point to read this over to friends telling me I had to write it to my twitter peeps who had to listen to me whine about it... and oddly enough none of these people have an LJ to point to. Gotta love it when you have friends who you can whine to in person. The title is taken from a Louden Swain, Rob Benedict aka The Prophet Chuck's band, song. I hope everyone enjoys this story!
Also, everyone go give awesome and wonderful comments to
love_jackianto for the fabulous art provided for this story. Seriously, it's amazing.
Part 1 ||
Part 2 ||
Part 3 ||
Part 4 ||