[ooc: tv tropes]

Jan 16, 2018 03:38

Saguru Hakuba TV tropers (canon and DDD In game examples)

Clock King: Hakuba uses his freakishly accurate pocket watch to keep track of time down to the hundredths of a second and knows just how late Kid will be to any given heist...and well, apparently Kid picked this up to a certain extent while fighting Conan.

Clothes Make The Legend: The first times he shows up in the manga Hakuba wears a deerstalker cap and a jacket really similar to certain famous detective.

Awesomeness By Analysis:  Hakuba pretty much lives for this trope.

Deadpan Snarker:  Specially around other detectives like Conan and Heiji, but also directed to Rufus, Jezebel and many, many others.

But Not Too Foreign: Hakuba might seem like a pompous Brit (and is even introduced with the Union Flag), but he's only half-English. This is pointed out in the first chapter he appears in where, despite being one of the most wellknown detectives in England, he's also shown to be the son of a major police officer in Ekoda.

Lawful Good

Pair The Spares: Hakuba/Akako in the manga.

The Mean Brit
: As Hakuba is pretty much a straight guy, Kaito complained him of this- despite Hakuba is half-Japanese.

Sidekick: Watson, even if she’s a hawk.

Odd Friendship
: With Kaito Kuroba.


Hypocritical Heartwarming
: Kaito kid is HIS thief to catch and the rest of the detective can gtfo in Hakuba’s opinion (Specially Shinishi/Conan).
The entirely post/RL where Kaito kid was shoot instead of Hakuba and the detective dragged him around the city to a safe place. Not even once taking off his monocle.
 YMMV/Grey and gray morality: Rufus ShinRa, Tiky Mikk, Zechs Marquise and V are some of Hakuba really closes friends. All of them killed many, many people, and more than one are considered psychos.

Heroes Want Red Heads
:  Akako for Hakuba. it worth a mention the moment Hakuba met Yoko Littner and was more focused in (and even complimented) Yoko’s hair rather tan her body.

Magical girlfriend
: Akako is a witch.

Wicked witch : Averted in the ugly aspect, but Akako fits this trope perfectly.

Hot witch: Se above.

Took a level in badass
/ Becoming the mask : During the first Halloween in the community Hakuba, dressed as V from Vendetta and thinking he was him, blew up the SHinRah building.

Every body Owns AFord: Hakuba’s car is a MGA roadster and it’s also his worldhopper device.

Save the prince
: Hakuba has been kidnapped so many time he put a tracking device in his navel piercing.

Body horror
: The first time they met, Tyki put a hand inside Hakuba's chest just to show him his powers.

Why Did It Have To Be Snakes
: Hakuba hates reptiles. Parodied to the max during the ‘Worse Fear Virus.’

Bi: Damn straight

Love Dodecahedron: Naoto, kanji, Hakuba and Akako.

Knight Templar Big Brother: Haibara and Hakuba

Tangled family tree: Haibara, Hakuba and Vermouth.

Launcher Of A Thousand Ships: Hakuba’s shadow pretty much wanted to shag anything that moves near him and wasn’t Rufus (Whom he wanted to kill him instead.)

Cool pets:  Hakuba has a hawk, a butterfly and a Porvora. One of them is a Flesh-eating golem and the last one explodes if scared. He also gave Akako an albino snake for her b-day, even if he’s terrified of lizards.

Foe yay: Kaito Kid/Hakuba, and jezebel/Hakuba (sort of )

Ho yay: Tiki, Zech, Issei, Heiji Hattori, Krad...Kaito and Hakuba occasionally.

Is the end of the world as we know it: The Shadow event.

Colorful Theme Naming/ Meaningful Name: Saguru Hakuba means ‘white horse’. Akako actually calls him stallion in public at some point, staring a lot of ‘riding’ jokes.

MeaningfulRename: Hakuba’s shadow insist to be called just ‘Saguru’.

Evil twin
: Hakuba’s Shadow

Evil is sexy: Again, Hakuba’s shadow

Fetish fuel: Hakuba’s navel piercing, just along with his leather collar. And his whole shadow form.
YMMV: Since this can be considered a tear jerker, a nightmare fuel or a fetish fuel moment.
Tear Jerker:
The end of the Au high school virus.
Hakuba’s breakdown at the end of the shadow event : Caused by Akako’s memory loss, his troublesome relationship with Naoto, his shadow/real self being way too much touchy feely with everyone and the fact that his own Persona wants him dead.
Adverted: Sort of. Hakuba was confessing that all that happened affected him and that he felt bad about it, accepting his Persona in the process.
  Akako forgetting about the comm. and his relationship with Hakuba.
It gets better: She eventually remembers again, and now they’re officially engaged.
 Fan service: The high school virus, mostly, where Rufus,Ggio, Hakuba and and other boys were part of the cheerleaders team.

Crowding moment(s) of funny:

You look like a prostitute
H..hello. Issei there's an undead dog next to you.
Tyki's poll about Hakuba's virginity.
Ggio and Hakuba shopping
Many, many virus: The High school virus, the worst fear virus and the ‘ Text of last night virus’ (where Hakuba asked most of the comm -except Akako- to marry him).
Daleks need sex
Crowning Moment Of Heartwarming

Akako winning the virginity poll
What's to come virus

Let me know if you think that I need to include/change something :3

for the lulz, tv tropes, character info, ooc

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