So... some bugger cheated on you and you want revenge? And your power is that of inflicting disease unto others? If that's the case, the Ultimate Punishment is spelt with three letters: STD. Pardon my French, but no man will ever have the chance to cheat again if his manhandle falls off. And no one will want to do the mattress mambo with him if he's pissing barbed wire, either. In other words, you remove what got him into trouble, as well as inflicting severe pain in the process.
But skip the HIV, we just want him to suffer, even though killing him may be tempting...
Comments 7
So... some bugger cheated on you and you want revenge? And your power is that of inflicting disease unto others? If that's the case, the Ultimate Punishment is spelt with three letters: STD. Pardon my French, but no man will ever have the chance to cheat again if his manhandle falls off. And no one will want to do the mattress mambo with him if he's pissing barbed wire, either. In other words, you remove what got him into trouble, as well as inflicting severe pain in the process.
But skip the HIV, we just want him to suffer, even though killing him may be tempting...
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