Title: In which Chas Kramer makes an Interesting New Friend Prompt: rain, 032. First Time Summary: "But if you're willing to wait," the man continued, "I'll need a ride home."
When did you write this? Well, that doesn't really matter any more because I absolutely love and adore it!! Please, hon, delve into the Constantine universe again and write me something; Constantine is one of my favourite movies/comic books and you + Constantine = a very ecstatic Kurasari.
Or more commonly known as a fanfic trade off. (that might or might not be of the Pete/Lucy/Caspian variety.)
Comments 2
When did you write this? Well, that doesn't really matter any more because I absolutely love and adore it!! Please, hon, delve into the Constantine universe again and write me something; Constantine is one of my favourite movies/comic books and you + Constantine = a very ecstatic Kurasari.
Or more commonly known as a fanfic trade off. (that might or might not be of the Pete/Lucy/Caspian variety.)
Trade-off? Of that kind? You are SO ON, my friend. SO ON.
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