yes, that was by far the most amazing and spectacular piece of work i've ever seen. i laughed until i cried and was thoroughly amazed to see that you were wielding swords in the living room!! hey, did you pick up some of those moves from videos? i think you could kick my ass pretty bad. makes me wanna practice...
lol thanks :) yeah, i used parts of tiffany reyes' straightsword form from this year's team trials. well, i "tried" to use would be more appropriate. ;) i couldn't resist though cause her form was so badass!
i originally got it off of the jiayo message board, but i think the thread might have been wiped since the board was hacked. i've got it on my computer though - it's a 15MB file so I can't send it through gmail (I think the limit is 10MB), so I'll try and catch you online at some stage and I'll IM it to you. :)
That rocks! My compliments to you and your bro. You should send it in as a green light production entrance. Maybe then we can all enjoy it on the big screen, pre the next big martial arts movie. Hey don't get too down about the whole job thing... it took jordan a whole year and extra classes at LCC before he got his job and me...well you know...still subbing, so chin up. =)
Comments 16
I showed Joe too. He had a similar reaction.
Bravo, bravo. How's the job hunting?
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