Title: Grey Sky, Foggy Mountain
Author: co1dpaws
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Ironhide, others
Rating: PG
Continuity: G1 AU
Summary: G1 AU futurefic. Another cold day on the Ark does not treat Ironhide’s old frame well. Maybe it’s time he took a break.
Disclaimer: Transformers is the sole property of Hasbro, and this work of fiction was created purely
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Comments 16
Honestly, the possibility of Alzheimer's or dementia terrifies me, even as a young person. But Ironhide really doesn't have severe loss of capacity, just enough for things to be more difficult than they should be.
I'm glad Prime was there for him at the end, no one should die alone, its so sad.
Who else would he need, really? But from the other side, poor Optimus. They are the best of friends, I think.
I'm glad that it was clear that it wasn't supposed to all be bad. He had a nice peaceful 'retirement', and there are cute!bebes around to dote on! But nobody lives forever. And I especially think a mech like Ironhide, who was a bodyguard through a pretty horrible war, deserves a good rest at the end.
It still makes me all choke up, in a good way.
Aw, thank you. The best complement I could receive.
This is gorgeous and sad and so beautifully done. I'm glad Optimus could stay with Ironhide at the end.
I think Optimus had an inkling of what was going to happen before they went outside. I think there's no way he would let Ironhide go if he wasn't there with him.
Aw, Ironhide's ready for a rest, don't you think? There there.
P.S. Not gonna deny First Aid+Ironhide interaction undoubtedly influenced by your Pbots stuff, so, you know. Getting a complement from a writer you like: best feeling ever.
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