The three people you voted on: character stamping link: Gino INFO:
Name: Hiroshi
Nickname: Yoshi/Ichigo
Age: 21
Do you have any siblings? None
If so, are they older/younger? male/female?
If not, would you like to have a sibling or two? Two would be alright for me. One Older then and one younger then me.
If you had the choice would you prefer being the youngest, the middle, or eldest child?I would rather be the oldest one in the group
What do you think would be the worst thing about being the eldest child, the responsible one?
Being force to take huge responsibility and so on. And getting blamed for the things you
What do you think would be the worst thing about being the middle child, the one always stuck in the middle of everything and everyone? Being told what to do for stupid reasons that I don't want or be involve with it.
What do you think would be the worst thing about being the youngest child, the one who's always momma's/daddy's favorite and the one that's always to young to do anything?
Having parents that spoil you for anything. In my opinion, being spoiled is not a good thing. If your parents spoil you, you'll turn out to be a rotten jerk or worse O_o
If you could choose a sibling, your preference for them would be what:
Personality-wise: Someone with a sweet personality, Knows how to take care of themselves, Has a funny side and likes to prank on people.
in Physical Appearance: Shorter then me.
Gender-wise: Female. I'm the type of person that likes to have a sister around. So that she can help me with my problems and I help with her problems. And of course she could be the opposite of me.
in Age: Younger^^
In short they be:
Calm or Energetic: Both calm and has a fun Energetic side
Brains or Brawn: Both brains and brawn
Controlled or Impulsive: Very Controlled and a little Impulsive
Determined or Passive: Passive
Mature or Immature: Very Mature
Patient or Impatient: Patient
Compassionate or Just: Compassionate
Confident or Modest: Confident
Overprotective or Distant: Overprotective kinda way
a Leader or Follower: A leader of course. I seriously tend to go overboard when weird things happen to me and I'm seriously reckless. That way that person can stop me from doing anything that's really idiotic.
You are at a party and this guy/girl starts to hit on you. He's/She's not really bothering you at all and asks you for nothing more than a dance. This sibling of yours sees. What do they do?
I'll tell her that I'll dance with you next after that the girl that asked me to dance with her first.
This sibling of yours catches you doing something your parents told you not to do and earlier you had a fight with this sibling. What do you think they'll do now that they've seen you do something you shouldn't have? Telling myself how much I regret doing it. And she would be like telling me that I just done somethings thats really dumb to do.
This perfect sibling of yours can't be all that perfect themselves, name a few things/traits you would be fine with that would make them imperfect in some way?
Lets see....if I had one, she could be very overprotecting and a bit clingy
Now name some of the things your real sibling(s) or what you think would be the most annoying things/traits about a person's sibling(s) to have to put up with?
Asking me to play with them while I'm working on my Homework or chores, seeing them asking for the same things as I do, seeing them following you for random reason when you tell them not to follow you but they still follow no matter how many times you tell them.