A best friend would be in the jail cell with you saying "Lets do that again!"

Dec 11, 2008 12:01

The three people you voted on: http://community.livejournal.com/codeg_rating/96334.html#cutid1
and your character stamping link: Mao Mao~


~The Basics~
Name: Mel
Age: 19
Zodiac Sign: Snake/Virgo
Likes: My friends, Animals, roleplaying, anime/manga, video games, collecting things, going to work, hanging with friends, and going out to eat, puzzles, scented candles, brisk iced tea, macaroni salad.
Dislikes: People who are mean to animals, scary things, things that are odd and different, mutated things, bees, annoying people, being ignored, being left alone, and chatspeak.
Strong points:I'm a good friend, I can make people laugh, I'm a very caring person, very friendly, creative, loyal to a fault and I work good with animals.
Weak points: I can't do anything myself, I don't like to try new things, I make the simplest things hard for myself, I can get annoying from bugging people about things too much, I'm too impatient and I can be selfish.


~Questions~1) What are three things you look for in a great friend? Endless loyalty, patience and a kind heart.

2) What do your current friends mean to you? They mean absolutely everything to me. I always put my friends before myself in every situation. If my friends are hurt or sick I'm right there with them to do anything I can to make them feel better. My friends are my comfort and my support. Without them I would crumble and fall apart like a dry sand castle.

3) If a friend asked you a favor would you say yes to them before knowing what it is? Yes. And I wouldn't ask questions.

4) Most of the time do you prefer your friends to think and act like you? or think and act differently from you? Differently. I have a feeling if I met another version of myself we'd fight and hate each other. But having things in common is what holds good friends together.

5) What is one thing that annoys you so much about people? People these days have no taste and can't understand most things. It’s disappointing and pathetic. People who are younger than I am don't seem to enjoy the classic things and aren't willing to give them a try. People are cruel and often shove things aside rather than dealing with them. They run away from their problems.... Eh, I better stop.

6) What would you do if close friend betrayed you? Go into a deep depression until I wasted away.

7) Are you able to keep secrets?Yush <3~

8) What are some of the places you like to go to the most? I love to go the movies and go out to eat... That’s about it. I barely have any friends to go out and do stuff with.

9) What are some of the things you do with friends? I do different things with different friends. The big one is roleplaying, then playing video games, and watching animes and movies together. I sometimes go swimming or go out to dog shows with them.... That’s about it. I don't get out much.

10) If you could choose, would you want your friend(s) to be more:
A. Patient or Impatient? Patient
B. the Outdoors or Indoors Type? Outdoors
C. a Leader or Follower? Leader
D. Confident or Modest? Confident
E. Brains or Brawn? Brains
F. a Listener or Speaker? Listener
G. Calm or Energetic? Calm
H. Mature or Immature? Mature
I. Controlled or Impulsive? Controlled.


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