My Geass pwns you...

Jul 23, 2009 19:30

::The Basics::
1.Name: Claudia
2.Nickname(s): Cece, Angel, Kitten
3.Age: 27
4.Gender: Female

5.Likes: jewelry, friends, family, my boyfriend
6.Dislikes: war, fighting
7.Fears: the dark, spiders, and snakes. Oh, and rats, too.
8.Goals/Dreams: To be happy despite the suffering I've had.
9.Talents: making jewelry, writing, drawing, singing
10.Hobbies: watching Game Show Network, making jewelry, writing, drawing, singing, and dancing.
11.Strong Points: loyal, funny, caring, loving, helpful
12.Weak Points: naive, overemotional

13.Your General mood: happy. ^^

14.What's your personality in three to six words: Loyal friend with heart of gold.

15.Color: Blue! Pink on behalf of my mom, who had cancer.
16.Animal/Bug: Dolphins. Most of my room is with dolphin.
17.Food: Teriyaki Chicken... and cheeseburger macaroni.
18.Sport/Game: Dance Dance Revolution.
19.Quote: "Why can't we all just get along?"

20.Code Geass Character and why: Suzaku because he's a good person who, even though he had his faults, he had a big heart.

::Least Favorite::
21.Color: Beige. So plain.
22.Animal/Bug: Snakes!
23.Food: Chili with beans.
24.Sport/Game: Soccer.

25.Code Geass Character and why: The Emporer because he was an arrogant jerk.

::Are you::
26.Mature or Immature: Immature.
27.a Leader or Follower: Follower.
28.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
29.Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing

::Do you prefer::
30.Night or Day: Day
31.Chess or Checkers: Checkers
32.Winter, Fall, Spring or Summer: Summer
33.Hanging out with a lot of people or just a few: A few.
34.Spending sometime with family once in a while or not: Spending time with family once in a while.
35.Having fun or doing something somewhere quiet: Having fun.

::If You::
36.If you had the power of Geass, what would it do? Make them kill the bad people and stop overcrowding in prisons.

37.If you had the choice of being born Eleven (Japanese) or Britannian, which would you choose and why? Brittanian because even though the majority of the families are snobby, there's a few that aren't.

::Last 3::
38.Include a picture or describe yourself: I have reddish-blond hair and hazel eyes, and although I am 27, I appear to look about 18. I would include a picture of myself, but I am slightly camera-shy.
39.Anything else: Please be nice.
40.Please link the 3 people that you were able to vote for: (If there was less than three or no people at all to vote for than please leave a note to the mod saying so here.) I just joined and am on my aunt's laptop, which I'm not used to using.

EDIT: I have three! ^^ One, two, and three.
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