Nothing new to add yet, sadly. I know. I'm working on it, damn it! 8|
Anywho, I may have let slip that I was working on the fic wishlist meme a while back, and some of my friends may have bugged me to post said meme, so... D:
Have you ever just wanted to write someone something, but have no idea of what they would like? Maybe you want to surprise them, and asking them for a request would take the fun out of it. Even better, you could have all of your favorite fic ideas out there so when you're having a bad day, your friends could just pick from the list and brighten it up.
The Fic Wish List Meme Redux
List 1 - 15 10 pairings/prompts that you have been dying to read. Maybe it's a really rare pairing or something you've requested on any of the past smut memes which haven't been fulfilled. When you see this posted on your friends' journals, you may do one of the following:
- Write it.
- Link to one that's already been written, whether by you or someone else.
- Nothing, but karma will get you. >_>
There are no length or rating limits unless stated otherwise, and prompts may be duplicated (PLEASE). Be specific in your prompts particularly in reference to preferred smut content, seme/uke order, and any other requirements that may hinder your appreciation of the fic.
[There was also supposed to be a deadline in this but, meh, whenever is fine by me. I'd be surprised--and rediculously touched--if anyone even attempted any of these. XD]
KinKi Dekiai Logic fic So for one of his solo cons--1/2, I think--Koichi covered Tsuyoshi's "Dekiai Logic."
Except it involved a lot of molesting of MA and a-little-more-than-mildly-suggestive sprayguns. I want Tsuyoshi's reaction to this. XD (Doesn't have to be overtly slashy, but I will never turn down KinKi love.)
Tegoshi writes (KinKi) fanfiction. Because he's a giant fanboy and it's hilarious. Bonus points if he goes to his friends/band mates for help on writing porn, extra extra bonus points if he gets one of them to help him write it; I-will-love-you-forever-and-possibly-bear-your-children bonus points if it's Ryo. (Yamapi would also be fantastic.)
Say Goodnight and Go RyoxMassu based off the song
Goodnight & Go by Imogen Heap. Mildly stalker-ish Ryo? Which probably shouldn't be as appealing to me as it is but whatever!
KoyaMassuPi. Otherwise known as Team Nantoka Narusa. Ever notice how those three always get grouped up in songs/concerts/etc? I triple dog dare you to write it. TRIPLE DOG DARE!!! 8|
MassuxPi not involving food I know, I know, the two of them are food whores, but they have more in common than their love of eating. Massu really admires Pi, and they're kind of adorably awkward together? I dunno, they can bond over their moobs? Something, y'all!
Aiba, Koyama, and wacky hijinks. The next step after member ai? Jimusho ai! Does not even have to be slashy so long as it's the two of them coming up with hare-brained schemes together (although I will not turn down the KoyamamaxMasakibaby lovins should there be any. Also, if you throw in Yoko I... well, you know the deal. Neverending love and all.)
ShoxFAILxShige Yeah, yeah, I know, I got sucked into this pairing too, but there's too much potential for epic failure for me to pass up. As long as it involves the two of them being nerdy and awkward together, I will be extremely pleased. Super amazing bonus love if you combine this one with the previous prompt for some Team Fail x Genki Twins action. 8D
3MAN Funky Tantei Tsuyoshi as a detective with Massu and Yasu as his assistants. Food, fashion, and funk! Tsuyoshi is the brains of the outfit, Yasu the adorable everyman/helper, and Massu is the master of disguise (you can find a way to work in Masuperman? ♥ XD) I may end up writing this one as well--I love the idea too much; I even sorta drew it--but if anyone else wants to give it a stab I will welcome it with open arms!
Kanjani fairy tales. Emperor Yoko's New Clothes? Subaru Puss in Boots? Thumbelina Yasu? Tacchon and the Bean Stalk? The Brave Little Tailor Maru? I have no idea why I'm craving Kanjani fairy tale crack but I want it like crazy. Can be modern day or AU, faithful or with a twist, whatever fairy tale(s) and members you choose.
Arashi shows their kouhai that they're the best senpai ever. This is another one of those fics that I may write myself, but if anyone else wants to give it a stab, I will not stop them. Basically Arashi splits up for a day with one member going to their five kouhai groups. Hijinks ensue! 8D I dunno! I just really enjoy cross-band fics! (Also, KT is welcome in this XD)
Reeeeaaallly not a big fan of KAT-TUN so anything highly KT centric is not something I'm likely to read. Although I'll forgive appearances by or mentions of them as, well, they're kind of hard to ignore entirely (also I have love for Junno and Nakamaru, so they are permissable. XD And I realize that Pin is idiot love.)
Don't care if there's smut or not, just as long as it's entertaining. Heck, on some of these I don't even mind if it's not overtly slashy; good gen fic is just as nice! Though if you do decide to bless me with man-porn I'm not really picky about who tops who. Just as long as it's hot, haha. 8D
Like I said before, no deadline! Whenever is fine by me! I may just rotate this out periodically, provided some of these get fulfilled and just have an ever-changing list! Mainly because I'm too lazy to constantly remake new ones, haha! XD;
Previous fulfilled prompts
JunxSho with a hefty side of FAIL
Barricade by
catacombkid ♥ (she even wrote an awesome sequel [
Trauma] full of delicious Sho fail ♥ ♥ ♥)
KinKi "adopts" Tegomass
Untitled (working title:Four Square) by
withcoffee (this was the fantastic response to my prompt on the
senpai/kouhai meme. It's short, sweet, and everything I wanted and more. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥)
Woooooo! \o/