lilacsigil posted
a rec for "What You Need" by heeroluva (Rated Teen, Jubilee/Clarice).
pixy_revenge posted
a search for a JLA fic with always-a-girl Flash.
selenay936 wrote
"Winter Soldier's Redemption". (Rated R, Steve/Bucky)
alphaflyer wrote
"Locust Wind" with art by
inkvoices. (Rated PG-13, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff; James Bond; Nick Fury; M; Eve Moneypenny; Q)
iloome wrote
"Control" with art by spanglesandsass. (Rated R, Steve/Tony)
immoral_crow wrote
"Leave It to Coulson" with art by
johanirae. (Rated PG-13, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Jeeves and Wooster fusion)
enigmaticblues wrote
"The Hammer Job". (Rated PG, Bruce/Tony, Clint/Natasha, Steve, Coulson; Leverage fusion)
ladydeathfaerie wrote
"The Tree of Life" with art by
aerlatro. (Rated PG-13, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanova, Bobbi Morse, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Thor, Frigga, Original Female Character - Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson/Nick Fury)
icalynn wrote
"Gaslight". (Rated NC-17, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, John Blake/Bruce Wayne, John Blake/Selina Kyle, Tim/original characters (twins))
queencestqueen wrote
"Wilted Flowers". (Rated M, Oliver/Thea)
wisiaden wrote
"Class Differences". (Rated PG-13, Tim Drake/Conner Kent, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Ma Kent, Vicki Vale, Krypto, Original Character, Bart Allen)
miss_synph wrote
"A Thousand Masks". (Rated Mature, Bruce/Harvey)
geckoholic posted
Avengers 2 trailer icons.
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