Not enough people for raids still? I saw a couple people posted they're transferring - more people leaving than posted? :(
I really wish Kyle and I had time to play more. I was hoping I could raid again, but I had to put my portfolio and resume together along with the normal school stuff (mostly the former eating up my time though). I bet it would have helped out a bit though.
I remember when my FFXI guild broke up - I was in tears for like a week. But of course, I'm a big pansy.
It will be ok! Perhaps not in the sense that everything will work out, but everything happens for a reason. Come try out Warhammer or something with me! If it's stinky, we can just go back to Wow :) Ooorr maybe Age of Conan? Though half nekkid ladies = turn off for me. Shouldhavebeenalesbian.
yesterday, after doing the math, every single person would have had to be online in order for us to raid. by this morning, we couldn't even fill a raid if we wanted too. it's pretty shocking. me, enryu and millek talked about it today and have started our plans for moving on. we all want to raid still so we'll try throwing ourselves as a package deal with various guilds. i'm sure we'll be fine, but since you're gone and hektikk been casual....there isn't anything to really hold me on eonar.
i still miss playing with your and kyle and i'll definitely try out warhammer.
we couldn't make the transition from a 1 raid a week night of farming black temple back to the hardcore progression schedule that sunwell requires. We've always run really tight as a guild, so losing one or two members was a really big deal. last week we had a healer drop out of the game and then another one quit. this week the domino's keep falling, so we've pretty much bottomed out.
so many guilds were able to catch up that there was just too much competition for recruiting.
"1 raid a week night of farming"--meaning five raids a week, or one? (I know nothing about sunwell, or what kind of progression it might require.) We currently raid Kara two groups times twice a week, and that's about it for regularly scheduled raiding. (The guild has some 340+ toons in it, and on a good night, there are 25-35 people on.)
1 raid a week, meaning 1 raid that week to do just a Black Temple clear in one day before the weekly reset. We did that for about 4 months. Then when sunwell came out we needed to move to a 5 raid a week schedule, which people just were not up for. Mostly it was just a few folks but since we ran to light player (not our intention but we ran on a pretty sparse server) that just crippled the few of us who really wanted to make progress. We did manage to concoct the proper raid compositions a couple of time to down the first boss in SW, but after that it was pretty frustrating to log on after a day of work only to cancel the raid because we were missing one healer or one DPS.
Spring is also a very iffy time for raiding since there are final and people need to take breaks and whatnot and that really set us back in terms of keeping it together. so once a couple of people started leaving there was not left to keep together.
Comments 6
I really wish Kyle and I had time to play more. I was hoping I could raid again, but I had to put my portfolio and resume together along with the normal school stuff (mostly the former eating up my time though). I bet it would have helped out a bit though.
I remember when my FFXI guild broke up - I was in tears for like a week. But of course, I'm a big pansy.
It will be ok! Perhaps not in the sense that everything will work out, but everything happens for a reason. Come try out Warhammer or something with me! If it's stinky, we can just go back to Wow :) Ooorr maybe Age of Conan? Though half nekkid ladies = turn off for me. Shouldhavebeenalesbian.
i still miss playing with your and kyle and i'll definitely try out warhammer.
so many guilds were able to catch up that there was just too much competition for recruiting.
Spring is also a very iffy time for raiding since there are final and people need to take breaks and whatnot and that really set us back in terms of keeping it together. so once a couple of people started leaving there was not left to keep together.
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