May 29, 2008 21:16

Frequently Asked Questions
What types of characters can I apply for?
Just about every character in any fandom, so long that they are shaped as human and/or have a human mindset. We do not want Godzilla, the snakes on Medusa's head, or Original Characters. There may be a time in the future in which we will create a system for OCs; for now, savor what is offered.

Can I apply for a character whose canon hasn't been released?
No, you may not. Though this was allowed in the past, we have decided no further applications of this nature will be taken.

Are there any restrictions on a character's physical appearance?
Somewhat. As we mentioned above, you are allowed to apply for any character that is able to reason, understand their surroundings, and communicate. A dog with a "human" mind is fine, for example. Characters with animal parts, like Fran from Final Fantasy XII, are fine. Even high-intelligence robot-esque characters, such as Transformers, are all right!

For characters that are notably large in size, please ask the mods whether a size adjustment is required. These are handled on a case-by-case basis.

What if my character is, say, a vampire and needs blood to survive? Or any other creature along those lines?
Their blood-feeding requirement will no longer apply. However, as it's such a large part of the character's life before Conscripted, they will likely still feel the urge to do so out of pure habit and/or the belief that they will die (or be in pain) without it. So they may still try to feed off other characters.

Whether you want to play up that angle or not is up to you, but it would certainly be acceptable. Just keep in mind, they won't actually die from lack of blood, no matter how much they believe they're suffering from not drinking any.

What exactly happened to have my character end up here?
Think of it this way: there are three greedy countries who are in need of people in order to either expand their army or to simply occupy the absence of most of the population. Your character, whether or not he or she is a warrior, has been sent to one of the countries to either fight or work for them.

So they just wake up to their designated country?
Yes. It could be said that your character fainted in their own world. Your character will wake up in their assigned quarter along with one or two other people, most likely of the same sex. Whatever they had in their possession/on their person at the time of their "fainting" (aka their Summoning), they will also have in the Conscripted world. If they were in full-armor with a sword on their back at the time of their Summoning, that is the state they will find themselves in after waking up. Likewise, if they were in the shower during the time of their Summoning... We're sure you can connect the dots there. The only difference between their world and our world is that most serious injuries will be healed.

Your characters are expected to stay in their quarter for the rest of their military career -- that is if there are not any in-game alterations by the Grand Warlord. Upon your character's nightstand should be a miniature-sized laptop.

What does the "laptop" look like and what are its features?
It looks like a mini-laptop (about this size) but doesn't carry an actual laptop's full features.. and it's also a touch-screen. You open it up and the first thing you see is a simple "Welcome!" The top has tabs labeled MAP, PRIVATE NETWORK, AMITYNET and the newly added CENTREVERSE DAILY.

It's all written Behaxat, the world's native laguage, which your character will now magically know!

Will my character be absolutely forced to fight for that country?
Your character is expected to stay there for the rest of the game, yes. However, consider the fact that this is somewhat like real-life (but supernatural) warfare; there will be instances of treason, capture, death and rebirth. Your character may be captured as a prisoner of war and forced to fight for another country different from who they were originally fighting.

How are characters' powers controlled in this game?
We are excited to introduce a new classes system applied to this game. All of this is explained in its own section here.

I heard the characters can commit treason here?
If for whatever reason you decide to make your character commit treason (that is, if they betray their own country. This will explain the act of leaving one's country to serve another, specifically), please consider the consequences; these armies cannot afford to lose any warriors or employees, so their security is severely uptight. Before you attempt to make your character leave their own country, please contact one of the mods to set everything up. We will have the final judgment on whether or not your character will be able to.

Hold on. What if I want my character to join another army?
Well then, how that would happen is up to your own interpretation. Whatever your plan must be, you must contact a mod for approval. (Hint: It takes two for treason.)

How will warfare be played in this?
This is explained in the Warfare section.

What about events?
There will be plenty of events occurring. Soon enough, there will be a calendar with all of the events coming up within the next two months. Please look out for that.
Events will usually take place in New Utopia, wherein they will often hold a huge festival just about every month to keep peace within the regions. Due to their pacifism, they do not mind if anyone from any country enter their own, as long as they promise not to start any form of violence. This does not mean that violence can't happen; just don't let them notice -- they will arrest your character if they are involved.
There will also be instances wherein events are country-specific. That means that only people within that country are able to get involved in that event. We mods will try to even out the fun. Another situation is when the war actually starts, it will only involve two countries. Yes, the actual war does count as an event. Please read the warfare section for more specific details.

If you have any suggestions for events, please leave a comment in the Suggestion Box.

Did you mention something about death?
The Soul Summoning technique is unique in the fact that death is not permanent; once a person dies for whatever reason, they will be found awake in their residential hospital. With each death is the price of losing a fragment of their memory. The following provides a chart of which explains the correspondence between the number of death and the memory:

What if I exceed ten deaths?
First of all, you wouldn't want to do that. On the 11th death and on, your character will remain in a coma for a day. This means that they will not be able to make contact with anyone for those twenty-four hours. REMEMBER, a day in-game is ONE WEEK in real life. You will not be able to post on your character's journal or amitynet for those days. If there happens to be a backdated log going on at the same time, you may continue that thread.

HOWEVER, that will make everything become boring, yes? That is why your character's soul could contact those in his or her country during this time. They will be able to move around as an apparition and interact with elementalists only. Other classes will only be able to hear the character's voice; they won't be able to see the apparition unless the character can generate enough power (by absorbing energy from power sources around them, making lights blink and furnitures rattle...etc).

Will my character be able to recover those memories?
Absolutely, but it is a lengthy process. To regain those memories back, you must successfully achieve one mission. One mission equates one level of memory. Keep that in mind. Also, it doesn't necessarily have to be your character who single-handedly completes the mission; it could be that he or she was within the group that was assigned to the mission.

What happens if a character is dropped?
As far as anyone can tell, the dropped character mysteriously disappears. Their bed is empty, their possessions gone, and their name is suddenly missing from the Brigade and cabin listings. NPCs will be hesitant to reveal any information regarding the disapearrance.

If they do manage to scrape together any information, what they find may disturb them. The disappearances are caused by soul "glitches." A glitch can happen to any conscript at any time, but it basically makes a character un-exist in the world. The glitch may correct itself (someone applying for the dropped character), or the character may never be seen again.

What does AmityNET act as?
Exactly as it says. As the buffer of all countries, New Utopia developed an international network system for news, called International Amity Network (amitynet). Over the years, it has become a way to communicate from country to country -- even sometimes to make friends despite the rivalry. Although Valora, Verity, and Ex Favila often oppose to that kind of communication, there is really no way for them to take it away from the people, and it gradually became a device for national announcements.

All entries in posted amitynet are public. Please keep that in mind.

So what does the Private Network act as, then?
The Private Networks are individual networks set up by each country in order to substain privacy which the much popular AmityNET doesn't offer. These communites -- valonet (Valora's Network), verinet (Verity's Network) and vilanet (Ex Favila's Network) -- is available only to members existing in their corresponding countries. Once they enter different territories, the signals will get messed up and the character will recieve access to whichever country they are in. If a character is in New Utopia, they will not be able to access any of these Private Networks.

How are characters identified on the network?
There are no userpics or usernames to be found on the network. Each post and comment is tagged with the character's name ("firstname lastname") and whatever country they're in at the time. If your tag does not match the FN LN order, let us know and we will correct it.

As for anonymous posting or posting under a fake name, that is something that is incredibly hard to do. If you wish to have your character post or comment in this manner, your best bet would be to first contact us with your idea.

Can characters speak/type in other languages on AmityNET? What about off the Network?
All Network entries will be automatically translated to Behaxat, which is Conscripted's primary language. Your characters will also be speaking this language offline, whether they realise it or not, so there's no need to panic! Your character will, somehow, be able to understand, read, and write Behaxat perfectly after waking in the Conscripted world. It will feel natural to them, and many will likely not even realise they're using a completely new language.

It is possible for a character to realise they're speaking a gibberish language if they concentrate hard enough, and through that realisation, will be able to "switch back" to their own language, whether it be English, Japanese, Spanish, Al Bhed, etc. However, this will only be possible off-Network. We only ask that you provide OOC translations (or write the foreign language in English italics/a different font color/so on) and that you do not abuse this.

What are the types of spirits that haunt Verity, and can my character exorcise them?
That is explained right here.

How do the people of Verity respond to the ghosts? Do they ignore them or attack them or anything?
The people of Verity have a curfew of 9pm to avoid the aggressive hauntings, after which they will attack. The paranormal activities which happen in the daytime are not harmful, so the people will just ignore them.

What is your policy on activity checks?
We do activity checks every month OR when we feel that there has been a drawback on the pace of the game.There are a number of ways to be active in this game, luckily for you! You will be cleared from activity checks when any ONE of the following has been achieved:
  • you have been actively involved in at least a log located in conscripted within two weeks
  • you have posted and have been actively involved in amitynet within one week
  • you have been actively involved with at least two other people's post/comment section in amitynet within four days
We will have you provide us documentations/links to these threads when we are doing activity checks.

Is there a mail service?
There is! Characters will be able to ship packages and letters to whatever base they like, all in thanks to the Usth Usth Postal Brigade. More information can be found here.

Are my characters expected to pay for anything?
Certainly. They're not required to pay for the provided housing, but they are required to pay for any product they buy from the markets. This includes weapons, snacks, clothes, etc. Brigade leaders and Officers are given a salary, but for ordinary soldiers, it could take weeks for their pay to come in. Even then, soldier pay is rather light. Civilians who are not directly employed by the country leader will have to find employment, and therefore payment, within the base.

Conscripted's currency is called haros. The name is both singular and plural, as in: "I have one haros," or, "I have ten haros." Haros are lightweight coins that have a single hole in the center. Each country's haros are their own colors. Meaning, Valora's haros are red, Verity's are yellow, and Ex Favila's are green. New Utopia will take any haros, but you'll have trouble turning in a handful of yellow haros in at Ex Favila.

Brigade leaders and Officers will be paid roughly 45н per week. A soldier will make about 20н per week. Items will vary in cost, with snacks being anywhere from 2н to 5н, basic clothing around 10н, and good weapons and sturdy armor being the most expensive, easily swinging into the hundreds. You're free to assume prices on items, but keep them relatively believable.

If a character does not currently have any money (we'll let you keep track of this, but please, don't make your character ridiculously rich for no reason), then they will have to barter with shopkeepers with other items, or with physical labor.

If your question is not answered above, please comment on this entry; we will answer you to the best of our ability. Anonymous is turned on in case of insecurity.

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