Rules & Regulations
There are general rules as well as those for all
conscripted side-communities. Please take the time to read them thoroughly. No, there are no tricks or hidden messages--we're trying to deliver a simple, straight-forward message. Any questions shall be directed toward
the FAQ post, as per usual.
General Ground Rules
I. Out-of-character drama will NOT be accepted in this game. If there's some kind of conflict between you and another player, please keep it to the two of you; do not bring hostility to the game. If you disagree with how another plays their character, grow a pair and either confront them or come to the mods. We will post a bi-monthly HMD post in
warspoils. Speaking of which:
II. We allow CRITICISM, not BASHING. There is an obvious difference between the two of them. If we find out anyone is trolling or bashing another, they will first be warned and then banned if it continues. This means to RESPECT OTHER PLAYERS.
III. We will not tolerate godmodding. Have no idea what that is? If you are roleplaying and controlling another character without permission, you are godmodding. Your character is also not god, so refrain from giving him or her absurd powers or knowledge that they should not have or know.
IV. Activity is crucial to this game. The way the days system is set up was to allow for any who missed a day IRL to catch up easily; please do not take that for granted. In addition to that, we would appreciate that you post at least once every two weeks in the logs community (
conscripted), but there are other options as well. Please read the FAQ for more information.
V. We expect you to stay in-character at all times. For example, don’t use alcohol as a away to get around staying in character; it gets really annoying.
VI. Communicate and collaborate with other characters. This isn't about your character being restricted to his or her own fandom. Talk with other characters--what would be the point of a multi-fandom roleplay-game otherwise?
VII. Post to the appropriate communities. There are different communities which serve different purposes, so read closely. Remember to read the rules for each community also.
conscripted: This is where logs or threads will be posted. All must follow the right posting format, and logs/threads MUST be in third person.
amitynet: This is the network; see it as an online forum of sorts. It acts as an announcement board for all countries to see. All posts in this network should be in first-person. There may also be voice posts here, too.
warspoils: This is, of course, the out-of-character community. It is pretty self-explanatory, right?
VIII. The current character limit is three characters. Since this game is new, we would like you all to have a feel of your characters and how well you play in this environment. It is a pretty quick-moving game, so don't torture yourselves yet. As the game grows, we will increase the character limit to which we feel is appropriate. Right now, you may only have ONE character per country.
IX. Do NOT make stuff up about your canon, especially if you know nothing about your canon background. There have been some concerns of fanon vs. canon. Please, we have given you the privilege of not having you type up your canon history. Do not take that as an opportunity to play the character whose background you know NOTHING about. If we catch you doing this, you will be confronted and kicked out of the game. If, however, your character has a shady background canonly, then it may be dismissed; it still will not give you the right to play on 'fanon.'
Read the FAQ. It is absolutely important that you do; it has relevant information that may suit your interests. If your question is not there, you may ask us either directly or via that post.
X. By joining this game, you are confirming that you are MATURE enough to handle the materials which may be present in the future.
conscripted is a war-based game. There will be blood, violence and possibly sex somewhere. Please be prepared for any possible situation presented in this game in the future, and don't say we didn't warn you.
Guidelines for
conscriptedI. As mentioned, this community is for roleplay logs ONLY. All logs should be posted in the following format:
Date & Time;
(The log.)
The following are notes on the format:
Characters; (name those who are involved in this thread; first AND last name. please include their usernames also. the order the names are in should be the posting order.)
Setting/Location; (it doesn't have to be specific; just give the reader an idea of their location. also include the country.)
Date & Time; (include the in-game date, and then the time of the day. this also doesn't have to be specific, but give the reader an idea.)
Warnings; (is there anything readers should be forewarned about?)
Briefing; (what is/will be going on in this thread?)
II. Use the appropriate tags for each entry! You should include your character's full name, country and if the thread is complete, "*complete." The following are the existing country tags:
*country: valora (for those located in valora.)
*country: verity (for those those located in verity.)
*country: ex favila (for those located in ex favila.)
*country: new utopia (for those located in new utopia.)
III. Everything should be in third-person. In other words, it's a storybook roleplaying style. It doesn't matter whether it is a whole novel or a sentence, just as long as your character DOES something that enables another to respond.
IV. Please friends-lock R-rated and NC-17 logs. We understand that things like that are going to happen whether or not we put a rule for it, so please lock them. We may get targeted by the LiveJournal patrol team if we do otherwise. That is something we do not want to risk.
V. No more than three logs at a time. We highly suggest that you thread one log at a time, but if you must, you may have a second or third thread up with the same character. However, threading more than one log would only distract and perhaps get you out of the mood. If another player stops responding completely before finishing the log, just move on. Please tell the player you are doing so, also. Afterall, one of the main rules is communication.
Guidelines for
amitynetI. This is an international network; there are no filters or privacy. Sorry to break it down to you folks, but filters don't exactly work well here. The system is neither hackable nor beatable as of now.
II. Tag all of your entries. All we want is your character name (first name first, then last name) and their location. The following has the existing country tags:
*country: valora (for those located in valora.)
*country: verity (for those those located in verity.)
*country: ex favila (for those located in ex favila.)
*country: new utopia (for those located in new utopia.) Be aware that all the tags you listed will be available IC for other characters to see. Look at it as a profile.
Guidelines for
verinet &
vilanetI. These are private networks developed by their respective countries. Due to this, privacy is about 80% guarenteed. These private networks are branches of AmityNET, meaning that the private content is not perfect. Tech experts can somehow snake their way into the system, but only the best!
II. Tag your entries! All we want is your character's first and last name (first names FIRST, please!)
Guidelines for
warspoilsI. OOC is VERY OOC! This community should be extremely self-explanatory; it is for introductions, hiatus notices, drops, plot discussions and the whole nine yards. It's basically anything that doesn't belong elsewhere.
II. Use the appropriate tags for each entry. The existing tags are as follows:
intro (of or relating to introductions for new characters or players.)
plot (of or relating to anything plot related.)
hiatus (of or relating to inform that you'd be out for some time.)
drop (of or relating to dropping a character or entirely.)
etcetera (of or relating to anything else that doesn't belong to the former tags.)