If I have to see Conor Oberst's milquetoast mug one more fucking time I'm going to seriously lose my shit. I guess the masturbating-whilst-crying set need music too, but if
Bright Eyes debuting atop the Billboard singles chart is a sign of things to come, then we're all seriously fucked. Are these people planning on breeding? I've got nothing
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Comments 31
we wanna come up soon. I will probably give Jack an email and see when the lovely radioberlin will be playing!
(for what it's worth, I still don't get what the big deal is with Nancy Sinatra)
( ... )
I love the fact she's hanging with Morrissey. Jarvis Cocker and Bono, and others have written stuff for her new album (alongside Moz) and I'm still anxious to hear it.
It'd be cool if she toured...
She also is featured in the documentary "Importance of Being Morrissey" in a rather cute tea time with Moz.
...I loved "The Importance Of." So much better than the shite MTV and Much Music try to pass as music bios. The bit about Moz stealing the Mael Bros' toast was brilliant.
The whole Phil from Marketing thing just references (1) the new office culture that tries to be personable and human but is invariably invasive and demeaning (see "Office Space", "Dead Like Me" and countless Onion articles), (2) The Simpsons (Lisa: Don't you think there's something weird going on here? We spent all day selecting fabric swatches, and then our guest speaker was Phil from marketing.) and (3) the eternal human condition of continuing to connect our identities with our job titles, which as they grow more abstract serves only to abstract ourselves from ourselves.
Phil: Right. Okay, so it wasn't lost on me. I had assumed you were referencing something specific. No worries.
I think you've actually stuck on a pretty important flaw with emo with that comment. A large chunk of the depressing music that's released remains abstract or poetic enough to be transferable; it's very easy to imagine yourself in, say, "Heroes," while the "I said/you said/I got a Slurpee and cried" approach of emo gets too specific. Some types of music, namely country, are capable of being specific and depressing ("Long Black Veil" always gets me sniffing), but that's because they're rooted in the tradition of storytelling, not diary postering.
...Did you ever listen to that Swans stuff I uploaded for ya?
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i almost started crying.
"It started off as incredulity at what passes for introspection these days, and just grew into a catharsis of hate": BRUCE LORD on how love, respect, and tolerance drive his passion.
I'd buy it.
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