cor·dial,(kôrjl), adj. 1. Warm and sincere; friendly: a cordial greeting; cordial relations. See Synonyms at gracious. 2. Strongly felt; fervent. 4. Serving to invigorate; stimulating.
hmph! since it's a "maybe i'll add you thing" patooey on you!!. so this is thee 'new journal' that you were talking about.. i see i see. :patooeys on it ;oP! now it's infested with shirowZ: ;o!
hmm.. so if you're smart enough to go to "keyword: dictionary" to get a definition of a word, why can't you do the same to check if you've made any spelling errors? duh!
USE THE DICTIONARY WISELY! there's more than one reason for a dictionary's existence!
...and that concludes today's lesson of "how to gain common sense."
hi candy! alliebaby1013 here :) I hope you got the invite to our reunion, I KNOW I sent it to you -- how could I forget you?? anyway, I added you to my friends list since you were on there as your old user, so I hope to talk to you soon!
HEY ALLIE :) so good to hear from you. i haven't talked to any x files people for a long while. i never check the mail on my genotsuke sn anymore, but i just checked it now. i'll stop in for a bit on sunday probably, but then i'll have to be going to work :( unless ya'll will still be there when i get back heh.
are you kidding? it'll go on ALL through the night, I guarantee. I'm so glad you're able to make an appearance! I'll be there since I'm logging, so be sure to find me!!
Comments 67
USE THE DICTIONARY WISELY! there's more than one reason for a dictionary's existence!
...and that concludes today's lesson of "how to gain common sense."
( ... )
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