two more days of baking.
then I'm done for a while!
good g-d! how much baking more can I do!
oy vey.
not that anyone reads this, but just in case-- I have some travel plans on the summer horizon. maybe I could meet up wichu?
NYC June 19-26 ish. -- teaching 1 Knife Skills Class
Portland June 29 - July 14 --- I'm teaching 4 baking classes there! (think
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Comments 3
of course I remember you! I fed you! In my own home!
yes on the mermaid day parade.
I haven't worn a dress since I was a girl, maybe I'll go in drag just for fun! Let's ride the train there! and get pistachio softserve!
ask ama for my email and we can xchange phone #'s.
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