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Dec 19, 2005 16:30

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1) What word best describes seiaidorei? Stinky... :P
2) Would you set up jumpinjavaninja and xxmegalinaxx? mmmmmeh...
3) Is dustthouart popular? I've never met her. But I assume so. ^_^
4) What animal should freedomillusion be combined with? Li Li Lioness
5) Is six_5000 a high school student? no, bitches.
6) Have you flirted with freedomillusion? INDEED. She's mah hoe.
7) What would you do if six_5000 died? Cry, and make sure William Shatner was at his funeral.
8) What planet should geekers be from? A weird one, like Callisto, the moon.
9) Is jumpinjavaninja friends with geekers? they dont know each other.
10) What is lcmcninch's shoe size? big?
11) What mental disorder does gypsychilde remind you of? ha ha. ^_^ Umm... meh. I refrain from this question.
12) Has seiaidorei dyed their hair? several times, right now it was faded red streaks
13) Have you ever dated dj_neko? Nope. She's a bit older.
14) Would you make out with xxmegalinaxx? Sorry, dating a Lioness. ^_^
15) What is socialvegetable's favorite game? Toys. MegaMan and the such. Also Adult Swim. Used to play Diablo 2, but i doubt he does anymore.
16) What would zeeweeling think of midknight978? They wouldn't get along.
17) What do you disagree with fetuscollector6 about? Not sure. Not much.
18) Do you think gilmoredolphin is hot? She's a friend. :)
19) What comic book character would socialvegetable be? MegaMan, but darker. Kinda like Sonic, but the new game with Shadow.
20) seiaidorei's hair color? Unsure now, mousy brown with pink streaks
21) If gilmoredolphin and dj_neko were spliced together, what would be its name? GilmoreNeko
22) If journey_man was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? His girlfriend. They seemed mildly competitive. Don't archnemisis' always have love/hate relationships?
23) Is six_5000 related to you? Nope, a "roommate" from freshman year
24) What is spineywolf's biggest flaw? He looks like Mario.
25) How long have you known dj_neko? since freshman year
26) Do you have a crush on seiaidorei? Nope, used to, but no.
27) What animal does dj_neko remind you of? a kitty
28) What exotic animal would groovysneezes like as a pet? anything cute. doesn't really matter.
29) If jumpinjavaninja were hanging off a cliff, what would sangosama do? She would definetly help him. I think they would be an interesting couple, but they'll never meet, she lives in DC.
30) Would you ever date feliscattus? She lives in Canada, and seems lost.
31) When did you last call sangosama? call? Maybe during Otakon, but I don't think so.
32) What is zeeweeling's favorite food? I couldn't tell you. I could ask her though, she might have one.
33) Would spineywolf and katariel109 make a good couple? *shudders*
34) Where did you first meet journey_man? in Nicky's apartment last year.
35) Would six_5000 go out with gypsychilde? she's... like 30, and he's... 20... no. just no...
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