First Born, rewritten scenes
Original Author: Robbie Thompson
Balder12Goal: My goal was to change as little of the scenes as possible, because I don't have the benefit of knowing how this episode fits into the larger season arc. However, I did want to rework the tone and emotional resonance, and I took the liberty of adding a small plot point
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Comments 39
Please don't send this to Robbie; that would be rude, I think. I mean, not that he would see it or care, but still. Armchair quarterbacking is just that...
But I would LOVE for "rewrites" to catch on as a fannish thing. I think it's something I'd love to see more of, so feel free to promote it to that end, if you want. :D
I won't ;) (though sometimes I wanna say..."did you think about this?"...which of course is not on, but tempting...)
But I would LOVE for "rewrites" to catch on as a fannish thing.
It would be great. It's easy to bemoan the problems, harder to try and work out ways to fix it via the actual script.
Whereas without it, these scenes have very little point other than to make Sassy footage for vidders (a noble goal to be sure, but...).
Arg I should not have started this; now I'm going to nitpick everything ARGGGGGG. Why god why am I a fan.
Never has a single line NEEDED to be canon so much as this. I'm still holding out hope that Sam gets to say this (to Dean, though -- not Castiel) sometime during this season. I'd forgive a lot for the sake of that one line.
Castiel self-injecting the grace is a brilliant stroke. It links to Castiel's decidedly hinky attitude during much of that scene; his earlier theft of the other angel's grace; and possibly parallels Crowley's new-found addiction to human blood, which . . . yeah. WANT.
Love this. ALL of it. Why aren't you writing this season?
I TOTALLY think Cas should have stolen some of that grace. I'm so certain of it that I bet it was in the original script and they took it out for a later reveal. We might very well see a flashback.
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