Title: The Chronicles of Jaejoong's Layover in Narita
countingcr0wsPairing/ Characters: Yunjae
Rating: PG
Form: One-shot
Genre: AR, Fluff, General, Romance
Prompt: I just discovered that you can buy vibrators at the airport, but while I was trying to load my bag into the overhead compartment on the plane, it fell out and landed right in your
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Comments 44
AND THAT SCENE IN THE PLANE! KYLE ESCAPING OUT OF THE CLUTCHES OF HIS MAN PURSE AND LANDING STRAIGHT INTO YUNHO'S LAP! LOLs! I can just imagine how red with embarrassment Jaejoong's face is! And Yunho's obviously entertained expression!
Too bad, no smut scene. BUT IS STILL LOVE THIS!
whelp, ngl. i'm more chaste than the nuns at your nearby convent. i would skip the smut if i could, tbh. i'll be like /inserts your sex scene here, let me continue with rotting your teeth. /prays for your soul, may it reach the pearly gates of my dick. AND OH MY GOD, I HAD THE BEST FUN IMAGINING JAEJOONG GRIPPING THE BAG OF OPPAI CHOCOLATES AND GROWLING THE FUCK OUT AND THE SALESBOY BEING LIKE OMG, SIR, ARE YOU OKAY, OH MY GOD SIR IF YOU BREAK THE PACK YOU'LL HAVE TO PURCHASE IT, SIR ARE YOU OKAY, YOU SOUND LIKE A DOG, SIR, SIR, SIR SIR SIR!!!!!!!!!!!! but ngl, the girl was the weirdest shit i've ever written, lol. her crying, looool. that's like crack territory, loool.
You always deliver! hahahahahahaha.. Hilarious to the core, I laughed till I coughed. :D
It just so happened we have tubs of ice cream lying around our fridge. Do you want me to eat some for you? Lol.
What's with you and your replies. Hahaha. I always read them, as in ALL even not to my comment because even those are so entertaining and lively. Makes me think you can be as talkative in person. XD
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