Lose weight, 15-20lbs. I'm 59ish and weigh 140. I would love to return to 120lbs or at least in the 120s. Any advice is encouraged. :) Thank you! HAPPY SUMMER!
I think the best way to lose weight is to combine exercise with portion control. I used to use the site sparkpeople.com and it helped me figure out the amount of calories I should take in each day and let me log my food and exercise. Good luck!
nothing kills pounds for me like daily rigorous exercise does. stress helps :) haha, but as far as diet goes, if I stick to salads, juice, and 1-2 servings of carbs a day, no sugars, I drop weight fast.
Comments 11
Fruits and veggetables should be eaten by themselves, on an empty stomach.
Starches like breads, rices, pastas, should be eaten second.
Meats last.
Also, green tea has been known to boost metabolism :)
good luck with your goal
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