Tue, 22:30: Google Reader's "Recommended" algorithm was the best way to learn about interesting new-to-me blogs and pods. Very useful for tech/ruby. ~10 years later, I've yet to find a replacement. What does everyone else use? reddit/twitter/hackernews/feedly aren't it.
Sat, 22:58: RT @ BriannaWu: Real talk for younger voters. Biden delivered on two major policies I never thought I’d see: Student loan forgiveness and ma…
Mon, 01:58: RT @ TheParkerJam: The proliferation of YouTube has made it much more difficult to find information on the internet. "How do I X" used to le…
Thu, 12:52: RT @ TheParkerJam: I wish vaguepost song lyric AIM away messages were still a thing. "I've got two glass eyes and the glass is half empty" w…