Fandom: ANGEL
Pairing: Angel/Wesley
Author on LJ:
fiareynneAuthor Website:
http://www.whedonism.orgWhy this must be read:
Fia is my absolute favorite writer, in every fandom she dips her toes into. Her characters are always dead-on. I'm probably going to rec a few of her stories over the course of the month. "Over You" shows how Angel's feelings for and about Buffy would get in the way of a relationship between Angel and Wesley, in painful clarity.
"Cordy, it's not that simple."
"Sure," she agreed. "If you're one of those guys who likes to over-complicate things. Which you are, because really? You're the only guy I know who spends an hour and a half stressing over whether to wear the charcoal gray or the heather gray when he's getting ready in the morning. Now listen to me, Angel, and listen good."
Angel sighed. "Fine. I'm listening."
Cordy nodded. "You're going to apologize to him now, and fix this before he goes from being torn up over you to just plain over you."
Over You