Title: One Chance At This Author: cranberry_pi Rating: R for themes Spoilers: Definitely not. Summary: AU, Future!Fic. Beyond that, I don't want to give away the ending!
A/N: Just a drabble, but it wouldn't get out of my head.
How do you do this to me in less than 500 words? I find it incredible that you can get so much emotion in there in such a small amount of words. Have I told you that you're full of awesomeness recently, because you are! :) lol.
I thought it was unlikely to be a wedding, but that probably says as much about my angsty thoughts at the moment, as it does yours. That said though, the misdirection was great, and it made me question myself a couple of times.
And... I thought this... "I mean, I never had a chance to ask her-” was even more heartbreaking than the heartbreaking ending.
We'll make that word catch on yet! Thanks so much - I actually love writing the short ones like that, I find it easier to really focus on one emotion and play with it. And you're full of awesomeness too, just saying! :)
Yeah, we were both in the same sort of headspace, so I imagine you saw through it a bit easier, but if I made you doubt yourself that's definitely good!
That was actually the last line I wrote - I was really trying to come up with something for her to say, and then it just sort of came out of the blue!
Comments 25
I thought it was unlikely to be a wedding, but that probably says as much about my angsty thoughts at the moment, as it does yours. That said though, the misdirection was great, and it made me question myself a couple of times.
And... I thought this...
"I mean, I never had a chance to ask her-”
was even more heartbreaking than the heartbreaking ending.
*Goes to find Quinn to give her a hug*
Yeah, we were both in the same sort of headspace, so I imagine you saw through it a bit easier, but if I made you doubt yourself that's definitely good!
That was actually the last line I wrote - I was really trying to come up with something for her to say, and then it just sort of came out of the blue!
*gives Quinn a hug too*
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