Title: Final Words (1/1)
Author: cranberry_pi
Summary: A funeral for a girlfriend - Santana's eulogy.
Pairings: Brittana, implied Faberry
Length: ~2000.
Rating: PG-13 for themes? I think.
Warnings: Character Death
Author's Note: I shouldn't write when I'm in this kind of screwed-up mental state. This is what happens. There's nothing happy in this
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Comments 5
I have seen that, actually! It's part of what made me write this, it was beautiful work by the vid maker.
Thank you again. :)
Everything you write always cuts through everything and gets straight to my heart. This carries so much emotion and I don't think it was very long at all before the first tear fell. It was beautiful and so real. I think it perfectly captured what I imagine Santana would say and how she'd feel. I can only imagine the pain and grief that a loss like that would provoke, but this felt so real.
Like I said, I don't really know quite what to say, I just... I just thought it was so incredibly sad but very beautifully written and words probably don't quite cut it for describing just what you did to me when I read this. Lol.
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