Title: Pushing Him Down
Pairing: Yoosu
Rating: PG/PG-13
Genre: Fluff, romance
Summary: Three times was all it took for Park Yoochun to push Kim Junsu down.
A/N: I just couldn't stand not writing MDR for three days so I came up with this ... lousy cliche idea. Pardon me please. >_<
He was flying, above the vast, green, patch and under the clear blue sky, the gentle breeze kissing his chubby face softly. His heart thumping energetically in his chest, Junsu let out a little whoop of joy as he saw the big, white goalpost within sight.
Abruptly, he hit something solid, and his momentum was thrown off as he clung onto the object with sweaty palms, the wind knocked out of him. Before he was able to recover from the collision, the black-and-white-ball was skillfully nicked from under his feet.
Junsu straightened and opened his mouth to yell. “Yah -” Then he stops midway as he takes a second look at the other boy who he had knocked into. “A-Are you alright? I’m sorry.” Junsu apologised politely.
Forgetting that the other boy had just caused him to lose the ball to the opponent’s team, he squatted down beside the head of dark brown hair. “Are you alright?” He repeated, poking him playfully in the side.
He was surprised as the other boy turns to look up at him with watery eyes. “Are you an idiot? Of course not.” Junsu then looked closely and discovered that he was holding his shoulder in pain. “I’m sorry. Let me rub it for you,” Junsu offered, placing his small hand above the injured area and massaging it lightly.
“Ouch! Are you stupid? Don’t use so much force!” The other boy screamed in pain and threw Junsu’s hand off rudely. “Fine! See if I care! Kindness doesn’t reap any reward.” Junsu stomped off, pouting his lips. Then he paused just to turn and yell back, “Crybaby!”
Junsu flushed in anger as he heard a soft, but equally mad voice shout back, “Idiot!” His hands curling into fists at the side of his blue shorts, he shouted back, “Am not!”
“Are too!”
“You - You - You -” For a moment, Junsu was unable to think of anything to retort back at the irritating boy who stood in front of him, grinning triumphantly.
“Humph!” Junsu stuck out his bottom lip. It was the first time anyone had ever beat him in anything, including name-calling. He glared at the boy, as if trying to shoot him down with his eyes.
“I don’t like you. You are a bad boy.” Was all Junsu could think of to say.
“Well, I like you. You’re the first person who dares to call me names.” The other boy replied, amusement in his eyes.
“Who are you?” Junsu asks curiously, his head cocked to one side as he looks the other boy up and down.
“Park Yoochun, nice to meet you!” He chirped, and stuck out one fleshy hand.
A mischievous smile creeps up Junsu’s face as he reached out to shake Yoochun’s hand … then pushed him down again with all the force he had.
“Yah! Come back here!” Came an angry shout behind him, but Junsu didn’t care. All he cared was that he won.
Kim Junsu; 1: Park Yoochun; 0.
A/N: Don't kill me, me darlings. Be appeased by this threeshot that I wrote for you guys while waiting for updates on MDR. :D :D :D
Read Part II