Title: Pushing Him Down
Pairing: Yoosu
Rating: PG/PG-13
Genre: Fluff, romance
Summary: Three times was all it took for Park Yoochun to push Kim Junsu down.
Read Part I
Autumn faded to a cold winter, before giving way to a warm spring with the scent of blooming flowers mingled in the gentle breeze.
“Say hello to Uncle Park, Junsu, he’s Appa’s friend and he’ll be staying with us for the time being.” His father shot him a glance and he murmured dully, “Hullo, Uncle Park” as the older man patted his head gently and replied with a “Hello, Junsu” before turning around, his tone fierce, “Yah Micky Park, come over here before I make you!”
“Relax, Appa, I’m coming,” came a very familiar voice, too familiar for Junsu’s liking, “Hello, Uncle Kim, I’m Park Yoochun.”
He could almost imagine his father smiling warmly at the boy. Shit, shit, shit, shit! Why him out of so many people? Junsu yelped inwardly.
Junsu raised his eyes slightly before gulping nervously. Park Yoochun with his dark brown hair and naughty glint in his eyes, was smiling at him, as if reading his thoughts.
No, Junsu, you cannot let him get you down. What’s past is past. Junsu chanted the thought in his mind like a prayer, trying to curb the uneasiness that came out of nowhere.
Then a hand came close to his face, and Junsu stood frozen and wide-eyed.
“Idiot,” he heard Yoochun say, and a hand fluffed up the hair on his head.
Junsu breathed easier once the body contact was broken.
“Junsu-ah, I know you don’t mind if Yoochun sleeps in your room, right?” Junsu’s head snapped up at this bit of information and protested, “But Appa -!”
“Yes, Junsu, I know you’re afraid of strangers,” he spies a smirk on Yoochun’s face, “But you’re both boys. There’s nothing to be scared of.”
Judging by the look on Yoochun’s face, Junsu wasn’t that sure that there was nothing to be scared of.
It was only after dinner and before bedtime that Junsu thought of getting Yoochun a separate mattress.
After much shifting and silent curses on his part, Junsu only managed to drag a dusty mattress about a few inches out of the attic before stopping to straighten his aching back. He sighed. At this rate, he was never going to make it to his room.
“Need my help?” Yoochun’s voice rang by his ear.
“No thanks. I can manage just fine.” Junsu gritted his teeth and gave a tug at the heavy mattress, trying not to show any signs of weakness. When it refused to budge, he gave up and settled for a hard kick at the obstinate thing.
“On second thoughts, yes. You might want to move that to my room, since you’re the one sleeping on it.” Junsu changed his mind.
“No way, man. Seeing how hard it was for you to move it has more than convinced me that I shouldn’t be wasting my own efforts.” Yoochun raised up both hands.
“Fine then! You can sleep on the floor for all I care.” Junsu snapped and entered his room. He was about to flop down tiredly on his bed before a certain annoying figure took a flying leap and claimed the comfort space first.
“Yah! You’re lying on my bed! Get off!” Junsu attempted to pull Yoochun off his bed by his legs, but the latter clung on to the bedposts for dear life.
“I am so not sleeping on the floor tonight, Kim Junsu!”
“It’s my bed! I have the right to sleep on it!”
“Nuh-uh! Guests come first!”
A tug-of-war ensued between both boys, until Junsu was spent and let go. He poked Yoochun in defeat. “Just hand me my pillow, will you. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
The hand he stuck out was firmly grabbed and Junsu was lifted up to sit beside Yoochun, his back against the wall.
“Y-Yah -”
Then he felt Yoochun’s hands on his chest, pushing him down flat on his bed without warning. “Park Yoochun, you -”
Somehow he never managed to finish his sentences when it came to Park Yoochun.
Yoochun’s warm body cornered him against the cold wall.
“You never said we couldn’t sleep together.” Even without looking at him, Junsu could imagine the victorious grin on his face.
“Humph.” Junsu turned his back on him and pretended to sleep as one of Yoochun’s arms crept up around his waist and hugged him close.
Kim Junsu; 1: Park Yoochun; 1.
A/N: Congratulations to Team Yoochun :D Claim your spots lovelies! Who are you rooting for?
Read Part III