Dec 04, 2005 13:51
You are my greatest downfall.
Nov 22, 2005 10:24
I have really bad luck...and frankly.. I fucking exhausted from all this bad luck!
Nov 21, 2005 02:39
No girl ever wakes up in the morning and thinks "today I do not want to be swept off my feet"
Nov 19, 2005 11:29
A man destined to hang can never drown...
A man destined to drown can never burn..
A man destined to fry can never ever die in any other way.
lucky im destined to hang and not drown.
Nov 17, 2005 23:15
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
Nov 07, 2005 21:51
You can't be me..I'm a Rock Star.
Nov 06, 2005 11:47
I promise Im going to do better.
Oct 31, 2005 19:20 I keep having this dream about someone
the dreams arn't always the same..
but usually I end up infactuated by the person..then I wake up..
and Im like why the hell am I having dreams like that about this person?
What the hell does this mean??? Anyone?
Oct 27, 2005 22:25
You want this money, then you gotta be a BAD BITCH.
NEW CELL NUMBER..242-9520..Mark it.