Nothing is seperated from one another, it's all one big machine. It works together as it grows together, it never dies yet it never really lives, it just is, always has been. That is life, that is existance
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I was watching a show this morning about the recently hung parliament and how they wish to improve this country with religious views on life and education. These people have power over our very lives and they think that every human being is born innocent and free of sin?! They still believe that the word 'criminal' is a justified way of labeling
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Why aren't I happy? I have everything I could ever want, but I'm unhappy. I've been exercising and working hard at my job, I have education now and enough free time to watch movies and play games, but I haven't felt happy since I moved into my flat last year.
I am seriously pissed off at their level of fucking stupidity. They acctualy removed character customisation options from the character creator. Seriously, what the fuck?
You used to be able to add scars too, but of course they thought "Lets remove options from one of the most popular features in the original game. No one cares about character
:D Lots of hard work to keep me busy! Blockbuster is fun, renting and watching lots of movies and games for free before they're released. Yaay! UP was awesome, like the funniest movie ever.