So we should all be republicans?p__grooveFebruary 5 2006, 01:44:22 UTC
You should know, being in fancy pants statistics and all, that that study has some obvious flaws. The biggest being that the answer to "are you satisfied" is not comparable between different people, especially between people that are experiencing entirely different parts of American culture. That question could mean different things to different people, like "am I supposed to be happy with the amount of stuff I own?", or "Am I satisfied with my government?", or "is the government giving me everything they should be?". If this question was asked in the context of a survey about government services, peoples answers would not necesarily reflect the level of thier happiness, since most peoples happiness has more to do with thier personal relationships, goals, and family then it does with the government. I can say from my personal experiences abroad (which are very often more reliable than statistics) that it is infact very stressful to have to worry about being able to feed your children on an daily basis. But we can also see, by looking
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