Sep 05, 2006 23:31
Please someone stop the world I wanna get off
Sep 04, 2006 18:04
Ok WTF taxing sugary drinks you can kiss my ass. What next taxing oxygen. When I see the news story that says who is sugesting this they will get a rather unkind email from me. But thats on the lighter side of the news. Steve Irwin aka the croc hunter is dead. That is shocking and Im am sure he will be greatly missed to his family and his
Aug 27, 2006 02:39
ITTWWS what is? Ill tel you. It is Into the Woods withdrawl syndrom. Yeah thats right its over a year after the show and I wish I can turn back time. It was the best show I was ever in. With the best cast with acception of a few. But I miss it and everyone involved. Oh well
into the woods