Deckmaker Info

Jul 18, 2011 09:45

And here's the information post for deckmakers! There's a lot of info to read so be sure to read it to have a better understanding of your responsibilities.

Your main job is to make decks - but the real work is in meeting the deadline [usually the 28th~30th so that I can contact you in case we need to make revisions] before we have to prepare for our monthly deck releases. I don't foresee that this game will grow very big, and smaller number of players mean smaller number of deck donations, so hopefully our workload will be easy to handle!

Please be open to suggestions and feedback. Don't forget to consider player suggestions when making player donations, but if you feel that you have a better idea to make the decks look prettier, I trust your judgment. In addition, sometimes either Chuu or I will ask you to make changes to your cards - we do this to help you improve. /o/

You'll also need Photoshop and the Legend font! The Legend font can be found here.

Last but not least, when in doubt, I hope this massive deckmaking tutorial can help you. XD

Mainly, you'll be making regular and special decks. I will be taking care of puzzles. Special decks will mainly be donated through Compilation, but everyone will get a chance to make their own special decks. This will be explained in greater detail later.

Help us finish up player-donated decks and meet our deadline! You can make 3 decks for yourself at any time, just like how players can donate 3 decks every month. But before you proceed to make a 4th or even 5th deck for yourself, please help out by taking on player-donated decks first. Right now, I have no idea how many donations we'll receive, which is why I'm not setting a minimum number of decks to be made yet, but this will probably change when things are settled and we have a better idea of what to expect. You'll also receive donation rewards for your first 3 decks which you donated yourself. No donation rewards for your 4th/5th+ decks [you'll get deckmaker pay for them though].

You can donate puzzle decks, but these will be made by me. You don't have to go to the deck donation posts to donate them. The deckmaking post will be made monthly and consist of threads for deckmaker claims, deckmaking pay, and finally deckmaker deck donations. Again, this will be explained later. Your deck donations go in the deckmaker deck donation thread. What a mouthful!

Special Decks
Special deck donation privileges are normally pretty tedious to earn for regular players [and right now, they can only earn it once unless I think of other ways to control earning that privilege], and I want to keep things as fair as possible so. For deckmakers, one deckmaker will get the chance to make a special deck for that month. How I plan to do this is that I'll follow the deckmaker list in alphabetical order. So, Chuu will be the first deckmaker to make a special deck in August when the game opens, followed by Curry in September, then Marie in October, Silver in November, Skie in December, and I'll have to wait till next year to make mine. XD I hope that is okay?

Special decks can be seiyuu decks or themed decks - everything you need to know about special decks is here [hopefully]. You have to let me know who/what your special deck will be about. You can either PM me or comment to the deckmaking post for the month, and I'll get back to you asap.

About the special deck template, make sure the 'v' layer is invisible. The 'v' layer is actually your symbol for regular deck masteries and there's no need for it in special decks. :D

Deckmaking Posts
These will be made near the start of each month - every month gets a new post so that we can start on a clean plate comments-wise. All the deckmaking claims are going to pile up otherwise. XD

The posts will be made here in the staff comm, and will have threads for deckmaker claims, deckmaking pay and your deck donations. I'll have sample threads in this post to give you a feel of what to expect! /o/ Incidentally, you can thank colors_tcg for coming up with this very simple yet effective way of doing things - I pretty much ripped off everything... I can't think of a better way to handle deckmaking things than this!

Deckmaker Claims
This is where you'll claim player donations and make them! I'll have a thread for deckmaker claims, and this thread is where you comment to let everyone [not just me!] know what decks you want to claim. Use this thread and no need to PM me, that way all the deckmakers will know who is doing what deck. It's more effective that way!

The list of player donations for the month will be up here, under the Unclaimed Decks section. I hope to keep it up to date, but you can stalk the deck donation pages as well.

You can just claim a few player donations at one time and then return later to claim more, that's fine! I just ask that you make a new comment to the thread when you want to make more claims. It's easier to see new comments than replies to threads. /o/

I trust that you'll step forward and volunteer to make decks, but please note that you'll have to work with OP/EDs of series you're not familiar with, especially if I end up having to assign decks.

Deckmaking Pay
Everyone's favourite part! XD Bad news first, you won't be receiving pay for the decks you have made right now before prejoin... but you will be paid for the decks that you make during prejoin and onwards. Every deckmaking post will have a thread for deckmaking pay and you reply to this thread to receive your pay. Since deckmaking posts will be made monthly, this pretty much also means your pay will be given out monthly.

Your pay will be based on the number of decks you have made during the previous month. Give me a list of all the decks you made [this includes your own decks], as well as the total number of decks you made. You'll receive 1 random card per deck made, and a choice between 1 ticket for every 10 decks made OR 1 stamp for every 15 decks made OR equivalent number of stars. Say you made 30 decks - your pay will consist of 30 random cards, and you can choose between 3 tickets, 2 stamps or 8 stars. I know it's confusing right now, but it'll be clear when you receive your first pay, I hope!

Deckmaker Deck Donations
As explained above, you can make 3 regular/puzzle decks for yourself at any time during the month! The only difference between deckmaker donations and player donations is that you'll be making your own decks. |D So just comment to the thread and let me [and everyone] know what you plan to make for the month. Once you've commented, I'd prefer if you don't change your mind [I think it's unfair to non-deckmakers otherwise if I freely let deckmakers change their donations], so do take your time to look for images and such before committing to the deck(s). /o/

You'll receive the same amount of deck donation rewards as players, ie 3 cards and 1 ticket for regular decks, 2 cards and 1 ticket for puzzles and 5 cards and 1 ticket for specials. You can donate puzzles here [and they'll be made by yours truly].

No donation rewards for 4th/5th+ decks that you make yourself!

Submitting Your Completed Decks
This has been covered in the deckmaking tutorial, but for completion's sake:

Please include a Notepad file with all the details of the deck! The details include the deckname, which series it is from, which OP/ED it is, who the deckmaker is, and who the donator of the images is. Copy/paste this form into a Notepad file and fill out the details for every deck you complete:

Song Name:
Sequence: Which OP/ED it is [eg: Opening 2. For variant OPs, Opening 1 Variant 2]
Deckmaker: the name of the deckmaker
Images: the name of the donator - if you gathered the images yourself, list your name here

Your cards and the PSD file for the deck should be in a folder [the folder's name being the deckname], and that folder should be zipped up. Rename the zip file to the deckname, upload it to a filesharing site [MU, MF, YSI, the only place I can't ever download from is RapidShare so yeah XD], and then PM me the link! I'll upload it to Photobucket and eventually the site.

Sorry if it seems really long-winded and tedious, I just find I work better if everything is neatly laid out rather than having to deal with things missing here and there. ;;

Hopefully that was all right, let me know if you have any questions and I'll get back to you asap!

!mod info

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