I think I'm coming down with something. "With what?" you ask. With an illness, for gosh sakes! There must be some kind of bug going around the office. Or maybe it's just this Fall weather we haven't been having lately yet. By the way, happy first day of Fall! Yesterday, that is
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Last weekend I spent most of my days on the couch watching TV with my lovely wife. This was partly because I was so run down that I had trouble convincing my body to do anything other than sit there, and also because we had so much stuff saved on Tivo, that we felt obliged to watch it all
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I would be blogging more, but the fact is I'm a busy guy these days. Lately I've been having a lot of dreams about people chasing me with guns, and me retaliating with assorted violence. Oh, and bears chasing me. I wouldn't have thought any of this was strange had my wife not have suggested that it was. I guess it is strange. The weird part
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Why am I obsessed with puppets? I don't know. Maybe it's because they're easier to control than people. Anyway, I came up with a simpler idea than "Juan Johnson and the Warriors of Magic Time." I still want to do that one eventually, but I've decided to test things out with something less grandios first. This new one is called "Flying Killer
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I got up at 7:00 this morning so I could do my workout before going to work. Dag, cuz, it's hard to work out in the morning! Shit's all sore and shit. My joints were crackin', son. Damn, G, wussupwitdat
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My wife informed me that I've been spelling palindrome wrong. She works on the assembly line in a word factory, so she should know. Thanks to her, now I spel good. AND... I smell good. Like citrus bodywash.