Sitting here with Squeak in one arm, snoozing away...and realized that she weighs 5 lbs less than my small cat...and 8 lbs less than my big cat. No wonder I keep looking to make sure she's really there.
I'm trying to organize, arrange, make sure everything is ready for Tuesday, and in the process I'm making one helluva mess. But I am determined....this place will be absolutely spotless come Tuesday morning, even if I have to box it all up and store it someplace!!! :D
C-Section will be December 14th beginning at 7:30. She'll be here no later than 8:00 a.m. they say. (I have to go in at 5:30 to get the whole thing started but what the hey).
Juno, do you need exact times for her chart? And can I ask that boon of you?
The version was unsuccessful. Got her halfway and she stopped, refused to go any further, and turned herself right back around when the doctor let up. Now we schedule a c-section and hope that she changes her mind and turns on her own before hand.
Quick add: finally sent my mom a letter..she should get it Monday or Tuesday. Her latest round to me is a box of all the Christmas ornaments I've made and purchased for her from 1976 on, sent to my dad's house.
We took the kids to see it today since it's a school release day. ....interesting...I won't give out any spoilers in case anyone is going to see it, however, the other site coordinator and myself being of a similar age, picked up on several things that the younger (early 20's younger) staff missed the humor in completely.
I'm feeling a bit "put out" for lack of a better way to say it. Huffy, and sad and removed and something.... ...I know bitch bitch bitch....whine and complain. Feels better to vent about it than dwell on it.