They will open shortly.
« application « taken characters « rules « handbook « faq « intro Contact Information
Name/Handle: (The name you would like to be known by.)
Age: (Because of the nature of this roleplay, we expect mature situations can and will occur and thus some may not be appropriate for younger players. There is an age requirement of 16 years or older. Please be honest.)
Personal LJ: (Your personal livejournal, not your character’s. This is not mandatory.)
E-Mail: (Your primary e-mail address for contact purposes.)
AIM/other messenger service name: (AIM is preferred, but not required. This is not mandatory.)
Time Zone: (This is only for the use of coordinating plots and communication.)
Character Information
Full Canon Name: (The character’s full name in their original canon.)
In-Game Name: (The character’s full AU name. This is in case you wish to include a last name that was not mentioned in canon.)
Canon: (The name of the series your character is taken from.)
Canon Medium: (The medium of your character’s canon. Book? Movie? Video game? TV show?)
Age: (The age of your character. Remember: the virus only became public knowledge ten years ago.)
Sex/Gender: (Your character’s biological/mental sex/gender.)
Canon Role: (What role did your character fulfill in canon. Were they the protagonist? Antagonist? A teacher? Lead singer in the high-school musical?)
Preferred Race: (Please tell us whether you would prefer your character to be a vampire or a human. Be sure to check the [info] page about both races before your choice. If you have no preference, we’ll be happy to randomize the decision for you.)
Canon Synopsis:
Please give us a brief summary of your character’s canon history. We are not interested in minute details; we would like to know how your character responded to certain events, what they did, what they aspired to do, and how they went about doing it.
AU History:
This is the history of your character as they appear in the world of Daybreakers. How did they grow up? (Or did they grow up?) What sort of family does your character hail from? In what period of the virus’s outbreak did your character turn if, indeed, they did at all? What did your character do during the period of the outbreak? How have they come to where they are now?
Current Standing:
This is a continuation of the alternate universe history. We want to get an understanding of where your character is now. Do they have a job? Are they a human sympathizer? Do they actively hunt for humans? How has your character come to where they are? Do they regret succumbing to the virus, or do they embrace it? Please add as much information as you deem important.
This is the most important section of the application. What makes your character tick? What brings them joy? This section must delve into the inner workings of your character, and must be more than what is on the surface. Consider how your character will react to the virus: not everyone is going to be willingly turned immortal, and not everyone is going to remember being human. If your character is minor enough that you need to extrapolate, please be sure to explain your reasoning as to how and why you feel your character is that way.
Physical Description:
This does not need to be extremely detailed; we simply want a brief overview of what your character looks like. However, if your character, for whatever reason, is experiencing any aspect of the Subsider Effect (be sure to check this [
informational] link), please explain how it has changed them.
Supernatural Abilities:
Though the canon world of Daybreakers does not specifically explain whether the immortal gain any abilities through their transformation, we do not want to limit characters to be merely long-lasting humans. Please explain what sort of magic/mutation/superpower your character possesses (and please take these from canon). If it is an insanely powerful ability (i.e., they could easily blow up an entire city), we would appreciate if you would weaken these and explain how you would tweak them in order to keep them.
Natural Abilities:
Does your character have non-supernatural abilities? Are they incredibly intelligent? Have they trained in some sort of martial art? Are they an impressive artist? A musical prodigy? Please go into detail about abilities your character has that are humanly possible (or inhumanly, we suppose.)
Third-Person Sample:
Please write a sample post for your character, as if writing in the logging community. This is in third person and in the past tense and written in prose (no /action or *action* logs here). There is no required situation that you have to write about; we simply would like a sample of your writing to see whether the words match the personality. This sample must be at least 400 words. Though other characters may be involved, please make sure this sample focuses on your character. The sample should be consistent with their AU history, not from their canon. If you need an idea as to what to write about, consider the following:
• What was your character’s transformation like (if any)?
• What was their first taste of blood like (if they consume blood)?
• How did they discover the virus?
• If human, how have they avoided the virus?
First-Person Sample:
Please write a sample post for your character, written from their point of view. This doesn’t have to be lengthy; we just want an idea as to how you write your character in first-person point-of-view.
Simply comment to this post with your application and the mods will read over it. Before being accepted, we may ask for clarification on one or more points in your app (this will be evident in a comment to your application marked PENDING). Make sure you have checked the
taken characters list before applying!
Contact InformationName/Handle:Age:Personal LJ:E-Mail:AIM/other messenger service name:Time Zone: Character InformationFull Canon Name:In-Game Name:Canon:Canon Medium:Age:Sex/Gender:Canon Role: Preferred Race: Canon Synopsis: AU History: Current Standing: Personality: Physical Description: Supernatural Abilities: Natural Abilities: Third-Person Sample: First-Person Sample: