Feb 27, 2010 02:20

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Please use this post to alert the mods and other players when you take a hiatus. You're free to post in the OOC community as an additional note, but this post is more important: it helps keep the mods organized and keeps you free from any activity checks we may hold in the future. Simply copy the information in the box below, fill it in, and comment. Once we've updated the hiatus list, your comment will be deleted to keep things organized.

• Hiatuses cannot exceed two months.
• If an extension is needed (with just reason), use this post to notify us.
• If you only need to put some of your characters on hiatus, make sure you only fill their names in the comment.
• When you've returned from your hiatus, we would appreciate if you commented at this post again so we can erase your name from the list.

Here's the form to use:

Player Name:
Character(s) being put on hiatus: ["Character Name" ]
Estimated Return Time:

!mod, !hiatus

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