Life and Death (7/7)

May 27, 2007 00:24

Title: Names (7/7)
Series: Life and Death
Rating: G
Word Count: 393

Title: Names (7/7)
Series: Life and Death
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: Nope, not mine
Rating: G
Word Count: 393

Jayne rubbed slow circles across River’s swollen belly as she lounged on their small bed, a pillow tucked under her back kept her in a half sitting position. Her shirt was tucked up under her breasts to reveal the soft glowing skin of her abdomen. He placed a gentle kiss to her distended belly button before resuming his light touches.

“This babe’s comin’ any day now,” he told her, as if she didn’t already know. Her aching back, sore feet and constant bathroom use kept her keenly aware of her due date and she would have been annoyed at his comment if he didn’t look so cute, admiring her pregnant stomach and whispering to their baby inside.

“Yes, Simon said most likely within the week.” River smiled down at him as he pressed his ear to her belly.

“Think it’s ‘bout time we finally give this child a name?” They’d been debating over the naming process for months without coming to any kind of conclusion that suited them both. Jayne wanted the baby to have a strong name, something that wouldn’t get her made fun of on a daily basis like he had been and something that would make people take notice. River, on the other hand, wanted to find a beautiful name, one that was simple and graceful and would dance across your tongue.

“Esme Valerie.” She threw out, pursing her lips and nodding encouragingly. “It’s pretty and uncommon. Has meaningful association. She will bring you great happiness.”

“No.” He shook his head and rolled his eyes, not understanding the reference. Then his eyes lit up. “Hey, how ‘bout Patsy. I had an aunt named Patsy, she was huge, but that woman made a mean strawberry pie.” Jayne sighed, his mind pitching back to family celebrations from his childhood.

She rejected his proposal with a simple clucking noise and looked intently at her belly as if the child therein would offer a suggestion. Or maybe some divine intervention, she thought with frustration. And out of the blue it hit her. A name that was simple, but strong, both beautiful and confident. It meant the beginning of life and held promise for the future. Even the dear departed Shepard would approve of such a moniker. River placed a hand over Jayne’s, stopping his soft stroking movements and looked into his questioning eyes.


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