Hot damn it's been awhile. LJ used to be my personal form of therapy, and it's not really been necessary. I have a new blog, but only 2 people have access to it, or at least know about it
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Certainly haven't updated this thing in awhile. I used to update often and had little to say, now I update never even though so much has happened
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"It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy;-- it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others."
On the morning you woke beside me--already thinking of going away--the sun did not fill my window as it does most mornings. Instead there was cloud and threat of snow. How I wish it could always be this way--that on mornings it cannot come itself, the sun might send me you.
Desperate for a job. For serious. Any job..Is babes hiring? I could be that one ugly one theyre always advertising...hah. Really though. People's lives depend on it. Not my own, mind you. But definitely someone's... /glare.
Any tips. Reccomendations. References. Fucking throw it at me. my number is 239-895-8453. Give it to me!!!
So I'm desperate for a job, among other things. Any job, any small tid-bit that'll pay for just my phone bill so that I may obtain a better paying job. This is obsurd. Also, considering a new place to stay
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Michaels taking his asvab at this very moment. Should hear from him around that point we will decide how/if this is going to change our lives forever. I'm apparently more nervous than he is. I guess cause he knows what he's getting into for the most part, and has decided that's what he wants. It's more complicated for me and Eres though
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