My mom saw this movie and told me that it reminded her of me. It was about a sixteen year old school girl that meets an old man who takes her out to classical music events and museums and shit like that, and they start sleeping together, blah blah blah. I lol'd.
Costumed Endurance Party on Friday and Saturday. Friday = XMen's Rogue. Saturday = either giraffe or Misty from Pokemon. I have the shorts, possibly the shoes, and I'm pretty sure I can get the suspenders and shirt pretty cheap.
I has it. Moving out on Monday. SO EXCITED. Baron Von Luxxury is awesome. I have to finish Devin's gift and shop around a bit more for a few people. Oh, and get three stockings to hang over the fireplace at the new aptartment. (Yes, we have a legit fireplace in the living room. SO COOL).