Critical Capture, Round 4: FAQ

May 01, 2017 18:58

Prompting guide
1. Can we use prompts with past exo members?
2. How many prompts can we submit?
AO3’s limit is 50 prompts per sign up! Although we doubt you’ll exceed this limit, but in case you do, we encourage you to sign up again with a different username. You may also use the option for non AO3 users.1
3. Are we allowed to use our old prompts from the previous round?
Yes! You can reuse prompts from our special round provided that they’re your prompts. If they’re not yours and the original prompter reports it to us, we’ll take them down immediately.
4. Can my prompt feature non-graphic noncon, dubcon, and underage sex?
If it’s an important plot point, then we’ll allow it, but please don’t forget to use the archive warnings or tags to indicate that your prompt has these triggering elements.
5. Why aren’t we allowed to override the anonymous prompter option?
We discourage it to avoid bias when it comes to claiming.
6. How can we get our prompts claimed?
Keep your prompts simple, maintaining only the important details. Submit a lot of prompts too. The more you submit, the higher the chances of one of them getting claimed!
7. Why are we able to claim prompts? Does this mean we start claiming prompts already?
AO3 doesn’t have a setting that stops users from claiming prompts. This doesn’t mean that you’re allowed to claim a prompt. If you claim earlier than the designated date specified in our timeline, we’ll delete your claim. You will, however, be allowed to claim the prompt properly during our claiming period.
8. What happens if we accidentally claim a prompt?
You can unclaim a prompt through your account or you can wait for us to delete your claim. If you were to unclaim a prompt on your own, hover your mouse over your username and go to My Assignments. If you were to wait for us, please give us 24-48 hours to delete the claim.
9. Can we edit our prompts?
Yes, you can! But after the prompting period, we won't allow it anymore, so make sure all your prompts are the way it should be on or before May 22!

Prompt form questions
1. Why do I have to put in the fandom?
Putting in the fandom helps the tags search system give you suggestions so you won’t have to type all the members or OTPs.
2. Do we have to put “Kim Joonmyun | Suho”, “Kim Jongdae | Chen”, and “Kim Jongdae | Chen/Kim Joonmyun | Suho” in the characters and relationship tags?
NO, YOU DON’T. Since this is a suchen fest, it’s already a given. These sections are here if you, the prompter, want additional characters and/or side pairings to the fic you want to read.
3. Why are we required to pick 3 ratings?
Picking 3 ratings allows the writer/claimer options instead of limiting them to one.
4. What if we don’t have anything to put in “Additional Tags”, “Category”, “Archive Warnings” and “Prompt URL”?
You can leave them blank! That’s fine. These sections just help a potential claimer to get to know your prompt better.
5. If I use the “Prompt URL” section, do I have to paste the prompt in the “Prompt” section, too?
You don’t have to, but you can if you want to.
6. Where’s the “Do Not Want” and “Want” sections?
Unfortunately, AO3 did not have sections for these and we couldn’t add them. If you’re really particular about what you don’t want and want to see in your prompt, please copy and paste these to the prompt box.

Do not want:

7. What happens if I un-check the “Semi-anonymous prompt” option?
This makes your account visible as the owner of the prompt. As this violates our rules, we’ll be forced to delete your prompt from the archive. You can submit it again provided that it’s anonymous.

1FOR NON-AO3 USERS, how can I submit a prompt?
Although we highly encourage you to create an account, you can also email us your prompt. We’ll be the ones to add your prompt to the archive.

Send the email to with the subject header: “Prompt”. For the body of the email, please copy and paste this form and fill in the details.

Additional Tags:
*Rating: (For ratings, please use AO3’s rating system)
Archive Warnings:
Prompt URL:
Do not want:

If you do not have anything to put in certain sections, please either put in “N/A” or delete them from the email altogether. Sections marked with * are required and should not be left blank or missing.

When submitting multiple prompts, it's recommended that you compile them in one email. If you've already emailed us but want to add more prompts or thought of more prompts, feel free to email us again or compile all your prompts before emailing us again!

The same rules from the AO3 prompt form apply to this form. If we find that your prompt doesn’t follow our rules, we will not put them up in the archive.

Claiming guide
1. What if we don’t have an AO3 account? Can we still claim a prompt?
No, you can’t. Please create an AO3 account to claim a prompt.
2. Can we claim a prompt we submitted?
We’ll allow it! Either way, because the prompts are anonymous, there are no ways for us to know.
3. Why can we still claim a prompt that has already been claimed?
That’s because of AO3’s Prompt Meme Challenge’s system. They allow multiple claims for a prompt because that’s how prompt memes are originally done. There’s no way to disable this function.
4. Does this mean we can claim a claimed prompt?
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Please don’t claim a prompt that’s already been claimed!
5. Can we claim another prompt?
If you want to claim another prompt, please SUBMIT your finished claim first!
6. How many prompts can I claim?
As long as you finish your fic before claiming, sky’s the limit!
7. What if we forget to submit the Google Form?
You have 24 hours to submit the form! If you do not submit within that window, your prompt is automatically dropped. We will tweet the dropped prompt in case anyone is interested.
8. What if we need to drop out?
Please email or contact us immediately. Don’t drop your claim on your own! We will drop it for you.
9. Why do I have to submit a check-in?
Because you’re an early claimer, meaning you claimed a prompt within May 26 - Jun 30. Due to the length of time given for the writing period, we just want to make sure that you’re still interested in writing a fic for our fest.
10. If I wanted to avoid check-ins, does that mean I should just claim a prompt after June 30?
We highly advise you not to do this. Although we’re not a popular fest, the chances of you being able to claim the prompt you like after June 30 are a bit slim.

Submission guide
1. Do we have to email you when we’ve posted our fic?
Not really, but you can if you want to make sure.
2. How will we know if our fics have been submitted successfully?
Once we’ve approved of your submission, you’ll be able to see the details of your fic instead of just “Mystery Work”.
3. I can’t finish my fic before the deadline, but I really want to submit something. What do I do?
Please email us so we can discuss your options!
4. If we have more questions about posting on AO3, can we email you?
Yes, of course! We highly encourage that. We’ll do our best to help you out.
5. If we finish our fics before the deadline, can we submit them already?
Yes, you can!
6. Since we’re submitting before the deadline, is there anything we have to do?
Nope! You can just follow the submission guidelines, and we’ll handle the rest.

Check-in guide
1. What happens if we don’t submit a check-in?
We’ll try to reach you as much as possible, but if you don’t respond to our emails we’ll automatically consider you to have dropped out.
2. I claimed my prompt after June 30, do I have to submit a check-in?
No, you don’t! But please don’t forget the final draft submission on September 15, 2017!
3. How will I know if I have to submit a check-in?
In your confirmation email, we would have mentioned that you would be required to submit one. We’ll also be emailing early claimers a reminder email 1 week before the check-in deadline.

Have a question that wasn’t asked and answered in the post? Leave us a comment down below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

For more information or further announcements, we highly recommend following us on Twitter: @critcap.

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