Critical Capture, Round 4: Claiming Post

May 20, 2017 18:58

This is criticalcapture’s Claiming Post! Before we begin and you guys choose which prompts you want to nurture, please do read and understand the rules beforehand!

Important dates
Prompting period: May 8 - 22, 2017
Prompt reveals: May 24, 2017
Claiming period begins: May 26, 2017
Check in for early claimers (May 26 - Jun 30): (minimum of 500 words) July 31, 2017
Claiming period ends: September 8, 2017
Deadline of fic: (minimum of 1500 words) September 15, 2017
Posting: September 25, 2017
Reveals: October 2, 2017 (Tentative)

This fest will run in American Samoa Time, SST.

Professor Oak, what are the RULES?
1. You will need an AO3 account to claim a prompt.
2. Please follow AO3’s guidelines on how to claim a prompt.
3. You must claim via AO3 before sending the form, otherwise your claim will be invalid.
4. After claiming a prompt via AO3, please fill up the form below. Failure to do so will result in the deletion of your claim.
5. Please wait for our confirmation email before writing your prompt.
6. Claiming is a first come, first served basis.
7. Please DO NOT CLAIM a prompt that has already been claimed!
8. Please DO NOT REVEAL to anyone which prompt you’re working on while this exchange is ongoing. However, you are allowed to discuss with your beta/s or helpers privately.
9. Please do not* drop out.
* If you absolutely cannot write your prompt any longer, please do email/contact us as soon as possible. Due to the fact that this is a fic fest, we will not be looking for pinch hitters in case you drop your prompt. We will let other people to claim it instead.
10. Please check our FAQ for questions you might have about claiming!

Claiming form
We’re asking you to fill up a Google Form so that we can get your email address and other contact information. You will have 24 hours from the time you claimed your prompt to fill up and submit this form before we delete your claim.

The form will contain the following information which you will have to fill out!

AO3 Username:
Prompt Claimed:
Additional Contact Information:

Here’s a sample of a filled out form! (Click images to view in full resolution)

♡ Prompt Archive ♡

Round 4: Claiming Form

Questions? Clarifications? Feel free to message the mods here on LJ, tweet us at @critcap, or email us at :)

For more information or further announcements, we highly recommend following us on Twitter: @critcap.

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critcap: round4, * claims

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