I had my advanced editing class today (in which I leanred the technique mentioned above). During this class I was kind of toying around with some of the clips and features of the compositing menu and it sort of became a little animation for my production company. Holy shit, this thing was awsome and I'm saving it to put on every single one of my
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Jesus shit...Film is an expensive industry. I need to find a bar to shoot my final in, but everyone wants to charge me like $1,000 for 4 hours which is money I definately don't have on top of the generater I might need to purchase for nighttime exteriors
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1. You know the guy who played the male hitman in Dumb and Dumber? Yeah, he lives in my building. I walked by him yesterday and without thinking just said hi to him without fully realizing who he was.
Me: Hey, how ya doing? Him: Hey! How are ya?! Me: Hanging in there. Him: GOOD! GOOD! Me: you were in Dumb and Dumber weren't you
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Chapter 1: That Which Does Not ExistOkay, my friend Chris is a strange guy. Not in a creepy way or anything, just...weird. I guess the best word to describe him is eccentric. Anyway, He's one of those people who completed his eagle scout thing in high school, so he's spent a lot of his life camping in the wilderness all over the country. He's
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